Hezbollah Takes Another Step Toward Jerusalem

Last Monday, the South Lebanon-based terrorist group Hezbollah, funded and armed by Syria and Iran, set off a roadside bomb that killed an Israeli brigadier general in command of Israel's Lebanon operations, along with...

Ten Days in the Life of the Palestine Authority

Palestinians wary of Israeli ratification of Wye The Palestinian Authority has expressed displeasure with the ratification by the Cabinet of the Wye Plantation agreement. This, despite a meeting by Israeli envoy Yitzhak Molcho with PA...

An Interactive Critique of Jerusalem Post Editor Jeff Barak’s Interview with Yassir Arafat

On Friday, November 13, 1998, the editor of the Jerusalem Post, Mr. Jeff Barak, condcuted an interview with Yassir Arafat. The article was entitled "Arafat's charm offensive". Media Reasearch Analyst and Israel Resource News...

Can the Arabs Ever Use Their Oil Power Weapon Again?

The focus of the industrial West has, for many years, been drawn to the oil-bearing nations of the Middle East because they needed oil. As a repository of developed and yet to be developed...

Update on Iraq: The US Suddenly Wakes Up?

An Israeli reader reported that at the Likud Central Committee meeting on the Wye accord, some members criticized the Gov't for relying on the US to enforce Palestinian compliance with the provisions on fighting...

Out of Shadows, Agency Is Directly Involved in Israeli-Palestinian Security Talks

The CIA has emerged from the shadows of diplomacy to play a unique, highly visible role in the Middle East peace process, mediating disputes between Israeli and Palestinian security forces and participating in negotiations...

Iraq News Update

B. Gilman Introduces Bill to Support Opposition to Saddam, 29th September Robert Kagan, "A Way to Oust Saddam," Weekly Standard, 28th September Iraqi Work Toward A-Bomb, Washington Post, 30th September Israeli Tips Aided UNSCOM, Washington Post, 29th...

PA Leader Faisal Huseini: PA Plans War 4th May, 1999

"We are willing to die; for them every death is a tragedy..." Oslo is dead and buried. The Palestinian youth, especially in the refugee camps, wants to start fighting again, and we are having...

Al-Ahram: Hamas/PA Relations, Bin Laden

Dead or Alive? by Tareq Hassan "Some PA officials were quoted as saying.... was much weaker than originally thought; "as scary as a cat", some said." Excerpts Palestinian police lifted tight restrictions imposed earlier this week on...

[The Debate] Before The House of Representatives on 5th August, 1998

Departments of Commerce, Justice, and State, and Judiciary, and related agencies appropriations act, 1999 (House of Representatives - August 5, 1998) Mr Saxton: Mr Chairman, I offer an amendment. The Chairman: The Clerk will designate the...