Getting Priorities Wrong in Egypt and Syria: Three Media Case Studies As I lie here waiting for the gurney to take me into the operating room and reading the hundreds of kind letters from so many of you, I hope to fill in your time...

The twilight of America I think this is what is called a slam dunk. Barack Obama has now proposed filling the three positions in the US administration most concerned with the security of the nation and the defence...

Iran’s Arms Supply to Hizbullah: International Dimensions In an exceptional political signal, a senior Israeli official contacted Mark Landler of the New York Times and explained that the Israeli government was determined to continue to prevent the transfer of advanced weapons...

The Revolution in Egypt: Recommendations for Israel On January 25, 2011, 7 million Egyptians, most of them young, middle class, educated city-dwellers, took to the streets and with the assistance of the army, toppled the regime of President Husni Mubarak. On...

United States-Russian Friction: Implications for the Middle East Tension between Russia and the United States has risen recently, following the cancellation of President Obama’s scheduled meeting with President Putin at the G20 summit in Russia in early September 2013. The immediate background...

The Emerging Geneva Agreement with Iran Vol. 13, No. 30 12 November 2013 Eliminating Iran’s 20-percent-enriched uranium, but allowing the Iranians to continue to produce 3.5-percent-enriched uranium is an unacceptable option if the goal of the West is to prevent Iran...

Between the lines

The definition of reading between the lines is “to understand what someone really means or what is really happening in a situation, even though it is not said openly.” The ability to discern what someone...

Iran’s attack on Israel stirs admiration among Gaza Palestinians

CAIRO, April 14 (Reuters) - Iran's attack on Israel drew applause from many Palestinians in Gaza on Sunday as rare payback for the Israeli offensive on their enclave, although some said they suspected Tehran...
The Dome of the Rock atop the Temple Mount in Jerusalem’s Old City, with the lights of missile interceptions visible in the night sky, early on April 14, 2024, after Iran fired ballistic missiles at Israel. (Times of Israel, Social media/X; used in accordance with Clause 27a of the Copyright Law)

The PLO-PA-Iranian Terror Alliance

The silence of the Palestinian leadership in the face of the Iranian missile attack on Israel is further proof that the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) is again aligning itself with the enemies of Israel...

Israel’s New Neighbor Egypt: Radical Nationalist President; Islamist-Dominated Parliament

By Barry Rubin May 11, 2011 gloria/2011/05/egypt-radical- nationalist-president Amr Moussa, probably Egypt's next president, has given a comprehensive picture of his views, a foretaste of the likely policies of someone about to become the Arab world's...