Operation Protective Edge – ” Update No. 3 (As of 1200 hours, July 13,...

Updated to the Sixth Day of Operation Protective Edge 1. The situation as it stands on the sixth day of Operation Protective Edge, in ITIC assessment: 1) The State of Israel - Israel was dragged into...

Obama Administration Suppresses Talk of Muslim Persecutions

http://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/4400/obama-muslim-persecutions Why is the U.S. downplaying or denying attacks against Christians? "What about the churches which were desecrated? Is this not blasphemy? Where is justice?" - Fr. James Channan OP, Director of The Peace Center, Lahore,...

Iran Celebrates Use of Rockets Supplied to Hamas

http://freebeacon.com/national-security/iran-celebrates-use-of-rockets-supplied-to-hamas/ Iranian military leaders on Monday celebrated Hamas’ use of advanced long-range rockets that were supplied to the terror group by the Iranian regime. Iran’s role in arming Hamas militants with more sophisticated artillery capable of...

Why Does Hamas Want War?

http://www.danielpipes.org/14574/israel-hamas-war Politicians start wars optimistic about their prospects of gaining from combat, Geoffrey Blainey notes in his masterly study, The Causes of War ; otherwise, they would avoid fighting. Why, then, did Hamas just provoke a...

Hit Hamas Hard to Create a Different Strategic Balance Against Islamic Terrorism

http://besacenter.org/perspectives-papers/hit-hamas-hard-create-different-strategic-balance-islamic-terrorism/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=hit-hamas-hard-create-different-strategic-balance-islamic-terrorism EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: It is time for a full-scale offensive against Hamas and the other Islamist-Jihadist groups in Gaza. Israel should take over Gaza temporarily; destroy the terrorist infrastructure as much as possible, to the...

Hamas, Jihad Enhance Rockets

Hamas and Islamic Jihad rocket strikes have reached unprecedented ranges. They said rockets fired from the Gaza Strip have flown more than 100 kilometers, a 33 percent increase from the last mini-war in 2012. "Hamas...

What Does an “Islamic Caliphate in Iraq Mean?

http://jcpa.org/article/initial-implications-declaration-islamic-caliphate-iraq-syria/ Vol. 14, No. 22 July 1, 2014 The newly declared “Islamic State” is trying to reinforce its battlefield achievements in Syria and Iraq by creating a new Sunni Muslim religious entity to overturn the prevailing...

No Separating Palestinian Corruption From Terror

http://www.commentarymagazine.com/2014/06/26/no-separating-palestinian-corruption-from-terror-fatah-hamas-kidnapping/ As the second week of the search for the three Israeli teenagers abducted by Hamas terrorists comes to an end, the announcement of the names of two prime suspects in the kidnapping is all...

ISIS Success in Iraq and Syria: Strategic Ramifications

http://www.inss.org.il/index.aspx?id=4538&articleid=7112 Several factors are at the base of the military success of ISIS and other jihadist organizations: the structural and functional weaknesses of Arab nation states; the organizations’ networked and decentralized structure, which makes it...

ISIS: Iran’s Instrument for Regional Hegemony?

http://jcpa.org/article/isis-irans-instrument-regional-hegemony/ Vol. 14, No. 21 June 20, 2014 Immediately after ISIS emerged in Syria, sources in the Syrian opposition said, “We are familiar with the commanders of ISIS. Once they belonged to Assad’s intelligence, and now...