The Long Shadow of the Guards This week saw further clashes between the two rival power centers vying for influence over Iranian foreign and domestic policy. In one corner stands a faction dedicated to rehabilitating Iran’s international standing, epitomized by...

A LOOK AT INTERNATIONAL SURVEY DATA ABOUT ARAB OPINION This article evaluates Arab public opinion with the “Arab Opinion Index” by the Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies (ACRPS) in Doha, Qatar. The Index covers 12 Arab countries with 85 percent...

Congress Seeks to Reset Terms of Iran Deal House lawmakers are pushing a measure to reset the terms of a controversial nuclear accord reached between Iran and Western nations several weeks ago in Geneva, according to a copy of the bill obtained...

Israel: Iran Forges Latin American Terror Network to Target US Iran has developed a terrorist infrastructure in the Western Hemisphere to target local Jews and gain the capability of attacking the United States, according to Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Yaalon. Yaalon warned that Tehran, which...

Open Letter in reply to Nusseibeh

The following is an edited (expanded and updated) open letter, which Seva Brodsky originally wrote to Nancy Kaufman (former Executive Director of Boston's JCRC, present head of the National Council of Jewish Women ),...

Marines Prepared For Attack On Syria

A senior U.S. military commander said the Marine Corps sent some 2,400 soldiers to Jordan in June 2013 in what appeared to mark preparations for a war against the regime of Syrian President Bashar...

U.N. Declares 2014 Year of Palestinian Solidarity The United Nations overwhelmingly voted to declare 2014 the “International Year of Solidarity with the Palestinian People” during an unprecedented vote that human rights observers say was marred by anti-Israel fervor. The U.N.’s General Assembly...

Israel Cites Arms Flow To W. Bank

TEL AVIV -- Israel's military has determined an expanding arms flow to Palestinian militias in the West Bank. Military sources said Palestinian militias have been acquiring large amounts of weapons in the West Bank....

Ya’alon: Iran building terror infrastructure to strike US Iran has built an infrastructure of terror in Central and South America in order, among other goals, to target Israelis and Jews there and have a base from which to attack the US, Defense...

Middle East Mess Isn’t About Settlements In an interview with Charles Gati in Politico Magazine, Zbigniew Brzezinski, who served as national security adviser to Jimmy Carter, proves once again that he is a man of profound religious faith. He worships...