The Point of No Return: Clearly the Obama Administration Won’t Ever Do Anything Serious... *David Gerstman has kindly sent this three-year-old article to me, which is still relevant today. We must now face an extremely unpleasant truth: even giving the Obama Administration every possible break regarding its Iran policy,...

Israel Intelligence Assessment: Iran Unlikely To Start War

Israel has assessed that Iran was unlikely to launch a regional war even its nuclear infrastructure was destroyed. Israel's leading strategic institute has concluded that Teheran would demonstrate restraint in wake of an Israeli strike...

One year since Pillar of Defense – Conclusions and policy implications IDF tanks and a flag on the Gaza border Photo: Ronen Zvulun / Reuters This November, southern Israel marks one year since the IDF’s Operation Pillar of Defense in the Gaza Strip. It has been...

France’s Peace Process Innovation For the second time in two weeks, France has proven itself the most serious foreign-policy player the West currently has. First, it thwarted an abysmal nuclear deal with Iran. Now, it’s come up with...

Obama’s Fight With Israel: This Time It’s Serious America and Israel are in uncharted waters. Just eight months since President Barack Obama visited Israel on the first foreign trip of his second term in an attempt to patch things up with Prime...

Israel’s Economy Minister Bennett Schools CNN’s Amanpour Over Use of Term ‘Occupied Territories’ (VIDEO) Israel’s Economy Minister Naftali Bennett took CNN’s Christiane Amanpour to task in a tense television interview on Monday, objecting to the anchor’s insistence on referring to “occupied territories,” to which the leader of Israel’s...

Guaranteeing that an Initial Deal with Iran Does Not Become the Final Deal The dispute between Israel and the United States on the Iranian nuclear challenge emerged this week from behind closed doors and became an open conflict waged on television. Israel and the United States share the...

Examining Nuclear Negotiations: Iran After Rouhani’s First 100 Days After Iranian president Hassan Rouhani’s first 100 days in office, the Islamic Republic is still repressing its own citizens, and contributing to the slaughter of Syrian civilians. While Rouhani has achieved only one...

The Emerging Geneva Agreement with Iran Vol. 13, No. 30 12 November 2013 Eliminating Iran’s 20-percent-enriched uranium, but allowing the Iranians to continue to produce 3.5-percent-enriched uranium is an unacceptable option if the goal of the West is to prevent Iran...

Obama Rejects Israel Intelligence

The administration of President Barack Obama has rejected Israel's assessment of Iran's nuclear capabilities and readiness to reduce its program. Officials said the U.S. intelligence community has dismissed Israel's assessment of Iran's nuclear program amid...