Commentary on the trying times for Israel

These are serious and somber times for Israel. No question about it. And to make light of it would be foolish and shortsighted. Is the situation hopeless? Absolutely not. I was, in fact, quite irritated...


If Hezbollah -- using sophisticated PR -- has promoted the perception that we've lost, then this rebounds on us seriously within the Arab world, which will be ready to see us as vulnerable and...


Hizbullah recruited nearly 1,000 Al Qaida-aligned Sunnis to fight Israel in the war in Lebanon in mid-2006. A United Nations report said at least 720 Sunnis from Somalia were recruited by Hizbullah to fight Israel...

Commentary: Appeasement Now

Caroline Glick's first line in her column yesterday: "The world has gone mad." She then proceeds to explain the many reasons why this is so. For example: "As the Palestinians push forward with their Iranian-sponsored,...

Commentary: the Baker-Hamilton Report

The Baker-Hamilton Report has been released. We already knew about the approach of appeasement it recommended: Engage Iran and Syria on the issue of Iraq. But there is more. It is not just appeasement,...

Iran: Too close for Comfort for Southern Israel

While the world follows Iran developments from the grandstands of YouTube, the people of southern Israel have had front row seats for some time now. When Iran's protege, Hamas, staged a coup in Gaza that...

ARMED STRUGGLE ON THE TABLE: Middle East Newsline Provides Hands-On Coverage of Fatah...

The ruling Fatah movement has been bolstered by dozens of military commanders abroad, some of whom prepared to stay in the West Bank. Nearly 100 Fatah commanders and senior operatives have arrived in the West Bank for...

One Year After His Inauguration : Does President Obama Seek a Weak Israel?

The author was formerly senior advisor in the Privy Council Office serving Canada's Prime Minister and the federal cabinet. Earlier he worked in Canada’s Department of Foreign Affairs and taught history and law at...

Former Israel Deputy Defense Minister: Israel Will Attack Iran by Nov. Friday, April 2, 2010 12:36 PM Israel will be compelled to attack Iran’s nuclear weapons facilities by this November unless the U.S. and its allies enact “crippling sanctions that will undermine the regime in Tehran,”...

Some Semi-Sanity from Europe: EU Foreign Ministers Make Partial Sense on Gaza, Iran Remember what I told you: if you want to know what policy is going to be, watch the governments, not the media. While the results of the EU foreign ministers' meeting in Luxembourg were...