How Israel is Covered in the Iranian Media

Overview 1. Iranian media and spokesmen continue to demonize Israel, accusing it of complicity with the West in plotting against Iran. The so-called plots pertain both to Iran 's internal affairs (such as the recent...

Top Obama aide invites head of terrorist-linked org to join administration task force

A top aide to President Barack Obama provided a keynote address at last weekend's 46thIslamic Society of North America (ISNA) national convention, a gathering that attracted thousands of people and also featured anti-Semitic, homophobic...

Hamas Expands Military Academy

Hamas has expanded operations of its military academy as part of an effort to produce a trained cadre of officers. The Abdullah Azzam Academy, located in the central Gaza Strip, has received additional funding and recruits in...

Crimes against Humanity: Hamas’ Abuse of Gilad Schalit’s Human Rights, Its Rocket and Mortar...

Crimes against Humanity: Hamas’ Abuse of Gilad Schalit’s Human Rights, Its Rocket and Mortar Attacks on Israeli Populations And Hamas’ and Iran’s Incitement to Genocide During June 2008 through January 2009 A Brief Submitted to: Professor Richard Goldstone Fact Finding Mission c/o...

Neda is Not Al Dura

On Saturday,June 20, 2009, an Iranian teenager named Neda was murdered on the streets of Tehran because she was exercising her right to protest. Her murder, agony and death were captured by a camera,...

Has Netanyahu Become Mainstream Israel?

"If Israel hosts an Arab minority, why can't a few thousands of Jews reside
in a Palestinian state, which occupies part of the Jewish homeland?"

Obama’s Odd Response to Iran

Once, a generation ago, we citizens of the “free world” as we were known then, thought ourselves as conducting our lives under an umbrella. The umbrella had a name that inspired awe and respect,...

American Jews fund anti-Israel organizations

A U.S. organization has been receiving money from perhaps unsuspecting Jewish donors to support blatantly anti-Israel groups. American Jews wishing to donate money to Israeli causes routinely utilize local city Jewish federations as a middleman....


Where is everyone? Where did all the people who demonstrated against Israel’s brutality in Operation Cast Lead, in the Second Lebanon War, in Operation Defensive Shield, or even in The Hague, when we were...

Iran: Too close for Comfort for Southern Israel

While the world follows Iran developments from the grandstands of YouTube, the people of southern Israel have had front row seats for some time now. When Iran's protege, Hamas, staged a coup in Gaza that...