Timmerman Calls for Congressional Investigation into Iran 9/11 Ties

http://timmermanforcongress.netboots.net/posts/timmerman-calls-for-congressional-investigation-into-iran-911-ties Kensington, MD - September 12, 2012 - Republican Congressional candidate Ken Timmerman said he will push for a Congressional investigation into the government of Iran’s ties to the 9/11 attacks. Speaking at a luncheon in...

The “Day After” Scenario in Syria

http://jcpa.org/article/the-day-after-scenario-in-syria/ Vol. 12, No. 30 18 December 2012 The moment of truth is approaching in Syria. Bashar Assad’s regime is fighting a rearguard battle and has already lost control over large parts of the country. Syria’s...

US Security Think Tank: Reject Olmert’s Unilateral Retreat Policy

A U.S. security think-tank has urged President George Bush to reject an Israeli government plan for a unilateral withdrawal from 90 percent of the West Bank. The report by the Washington-based Center for Security Policy,...

Incitement in Today’s Mosque Speeches

(February 4, 2005-1330 Jerusalem/6:30 a.m. NY) The official Palestinian news media today broke Mahmoud Abbas's promise to halt incitement to violence and hatred in the course of radio and television news programs as well as...

Iran’s Foreign Legion: The Role of Iraqi Shiite Militias in Syria

http://www.washingtoninstitute.org/policy-analysis/view/irans-foreign-legion-the-role-of-iraqi-shiite-militias-in-syria As the war in Syria drags on, external actors may play an increasingly important role in tipping the balance through material support and sponsorship of individual armed units. One of the most significant international...

Watching the World Trade Center Implode, Following the Reaction in Israel and the Palestinian...

Terror at the Twin Towers caught this reporter in Lower Manhattan, preparing to give a seminar on how the PLO, the seemingly legitimate peace partner with Israel, had incorporated Islamic terrorist organizations and Islamic...

Why the Current U.S. Foreign Policy Debate Doesn’t Make Sense and How to Fix...

http://rubinreports.blogspot.co.il/2013/01/a-totally-new-american-foreign-policy.html Something very bad is happening with the U.S. foreign policy debate. Aside from all of the specific problems and bad appointments, the whole discussion is being conducted on the wrong assumptions and context. There is...

Covering Connecticut Senator Joseph Lieberman’s Press Conference in Tel Aviv

(Tel Aviv) December 29, 2002 Senator Joseph Lieberman made his final appearance in the middle east in a small press briefing that occurred near the US embassy in Tel Aviv on Sunday evening, December 29,...

How the Syrian Civil War and Egyptian Coup Positively Transform Israel’s Strategic Situation

http://pjmedia.com/barryrubin/2013/07/11/how-the-syrian-civil-war-really-affects-israel/ Some subtle issues are coming out of the Syrian civil war regarding Israel: clearly, Israel is neutral regarding the war; it won’t get dragged into it; and the longer the war continues the better,...

Libelous Allegations Against Israel in the Palestinian Authority

Libels, lies, and false accusations against Israel and Jews are frequent, prominent components of the Palestinian leadership's public discourse and in the Palestinian media. Suha Arafat's accusation, made while standing next to Hillary Clinton,...