Manipulating International Law as Part of Anti-Israeli “Lawfare” Vol. 13, No. 16 2 June 2013 Israel’s record of compliance with international law is remarkably strong. In a long series of decisions, the Israeli High Court has ordered the Israeli government, army, and security...

Analysis: Understanding What is Now Transpiring in Egypt

January 31, 2011 "Convoluted and Painful Process" The issues are anything but simple, and resolution of the situation in Egypt will not happen overnight, or in a week or a month. I do not intend to...

Commentary: the Baker-Hamilton Report

The Baker-Hamilton Report has been released. We already knew about the approach of appeasement it recommended: Engage Iran and Syria on the issue of Iraq. But there is more. It is not just appeasement,...

Saudis Will Not Help in Iraq Attack

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates (AP) -- America's closest ally in the Persian Gulf -- Saudi Arabia -- also could be its toughest challenge in building support for a military attack on Iraq. Saudi resistance, spelled...

The Democratic Party’s anti-Semitism problem

One of the most prominent figures at John Kerry's nominating convention was the Rev. Al Sharpton, who seemed almost as fixed a presence at Kerry's side the night of his acceptance speech as were...

Syria’s unrest led by Islamists? Thursday, 21 April 2011 A Syrian protester shouts slogans calling for Syria's President Bashar al-Assad to step down. (File photo) Contrary to the Syrian government’s claim, unrest in the country was...

“Who will win the war, will Israel be able to win”?

An Outline of what the BESA speakers had to say: Mordechai Keidar- BESA: The conflict began 1350 years ago when Islam was sub-divided into Sunni and Shi'a. Hezbollah is part of the Shi'a sect. The name...

Hamas Enhances Strike Capability

The Washington Institute for Near East Policy asserted that Hamas and its Palestinian militia allies improved rocket, ground attacks as well as command and control in the latest war with Israel, In a report,...

Prime Minister Ariel Sharon on Disengagement, Iran, Syria, the PA, the US election and...

also included the clear statement that it is impossible to ignore the new realities on the ground - the large settlement blocs", when in fact Bush did not mention one word about "large...

There Must Not Be a Ceasefire With their usual mixture of human rights concern and hypocrisy, several countries have stepped into the fresh Israel-Gaza conflict by demanding a cease-fire. Egypt has played an important role in this demarche; Hamas has...