The Untold Story of Josh Fattal The_Untold_Story_of_Josh_Fattal/ American hiker Josh Fattal (center) is greeted on Sept. 21, 2011 in Muscat, Oman, after Tehran released him and Shane Bauer on bail, months after handing them hefty jail terms. Getty Images By now, the whole world...

Saudi Arabia’s Secret Missile City in the Middle of the Desert

The computer at CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia chooses random names for topics and operations it deals with. "Deep Blue" is the name given to an aggregate of troubling information received by the agency...

Update on US-Saudi military cooperation

U.S., SAUDIS PREPARE FOR BOLSTERED MILITARY TRAINING ABU DHABI November 12, 2003 -- Saudi Arabia and the United States are completing details for an accelerated military training schedule for 2004. The U.S. Defense Department...

Political Earthquake in the USA: A Jerusalem Perspective

The November, 2010 mid-term election produced a seismic political effect: The most rapid and wide-in-scope Congressional and Gubernatorial victory since 1948. The outcome of the election repudiates Obama's policies and dramatically erodes his political clout....

Antisemitism Embedded in British Culture

Antisemitism has been present in Great Britain for almost a thousand years of recorded history. In the twelfth century, Catholic medieval Britain was a persecutory society, particularly when it came to Jews. It pioneered...

From Mein Kampf to The Saudi Plan: 100 Years of Dhimmitude?

The writer has been involved in regional projects in cooperation in public health for the past 25 years, and is now investigating the effects of incitement in promoting genocide Press Reports hint that Sectretary of...

Signs of Iraqi Arms Buildup Bedevil U.S. Administration

Washington, Jan. 31 -- Satellite photographs and American intelligence reports have shown that Iraq has in the last year rebuilt military and industrial sites damaged by American and British air strikes in late 1998,...

Concerning the “Fine Print” in the UN/Iraqi Agreement

Thus, the more likely reading of the authorization section of P.L. 102-1 is that Congress specifically authorized the use of United States military forces to drive Iraqi forces from Kuwait. Congress would have taken...

Have Americans Learned from 9/11?

As Americans pick a president, one key criterion is how the war on terror is going. Is George W. Bush correct in his positive view or John Kerry in his negative one? This same debate,...

Amos Yadlin: Only bombing Assad’s forces will stop the slaughter now President Bashar al-Assad continues to exploit the international community's propensity to turn a blind eye to the escalation in Syria, which now results in the murder of hundreds of innocent civilians each week. Thus...