Words of Simon Deng, once a Sudanese slave

Address to Counter- Durban Conference in NY, entitled: The Perils of Global Intolerance It is a great honor for me and it is a privilege really to be among today’s distinguished speakers.I came here as...

The “Patriots” Have Landed: Israel Prepares for War

Picnicking at Missile Launching Site Yedioth Ahronoth (p. 5) by Zvi Alush -- The IDF testing site in southern Israel, from which a number of Patriot missiles were successfully test-fired as part of a joint...

Baker Hamilton Report Analyzed

Her Iraq Study Group report did more than merely live down to its advance billing. Its authors are now revealed to be as intellectually deficient as they are morally malodorous. Calling these people 'realists'...

Review of Syria’s Missile Strategy & Iraqi Biological Weapons?

The following is an excerpt from an article which appeared in the 22nd October, 1996 edition of the London publication, Almashad Alsiasi: Syria has carried out a reorganization of its surface-to-surface missile units since 1982....

New Palestinian Poll Shows Hardline Views, But Some Pragmatism Too

http://www.washingtoninstitute.org/policy-analysis/view/new-palestinian-poll-shows-hardline-views-but-some-pragmatism-too A reliable new West Bank/Gaza public opinion survey conducted on June 15-17 -- the only such poll since the current kidnapping crisis began -- shows that Palestinian popular attitudes have hardened considerably on long-term...

Commentary: The Baker-Hamilton Report, Syria, and More

Recommendations of the Baker Hamilton Commission on how to proceed in Iraq have not been formally announced as yet, but they have been leaked. A major -- and hugely horrendous -- proposal is that...

Duke University’s Public Relations for Terrorism

What I am about to describe here will no doubt shock many Americans, especially American Jews. It concerns my three days spent undercover at the Palestine Solidarity Movement Conference at Duke University. To attend...

The Threat of the “Salafi Crescent

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: While Israel and the West are focused on the Iranian threat, another dangerous entity is emerging in the Middle East. Attempts by al-Qaeda and other radical Sunni Islamist groups to challenge the...

What to Do About Syria

http://www.gloria-center.org/2012/02/what-to-do-about-syria/ There is a strong case that can be made for doing nothing about the Syrian civil war, but a stronger case can be made for doing something relatively low-cost and ineffective, indeed, precisely what...

Centcom Ignores Israel-Pal Dispute

The U.S. military no longer sees the Arab-Israeli war as a priority. The military's Central Command, in contrast to that of the administration of President Barack Obama, has not designated either the Arab-Israeli or Israeli-Palestinian...