Iran has demonstrated its capability to launch a massive missile strike in the Gulf. Western intelligence sources said the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps succeeded in a test that concentrated massive missile and rocket fire in...

The World Should Know What He [KUNTAR] Did to My Family

Abu Abbas, the former head of a Palestinian terrorist group who was captured in Iraq on April 15, is infamous for masterminding the 1985 hijacking of the Italian cruise ship Achille Lauro. But there...

Towards an Arab Comprehensive Strategy For Peace

If one reviews the peace process since its launching after the U.S. aggression against Iraq in which the Syrian regime participated, s/he will realize why the Syrians looked for a peace settlement with the...

The Myth of Palestinian Centrality The "Palestinian cause" has been at the forefront of discourse on the Middle East for nearly a century. It has long formed the primary common concern of pan-Arab solidarity and its most effective...

Official PBC Radio: Voice of Palestine News February 1-2

Summary and Analysis The deaths of two Palestinians and two Israelis dominated the news programs on VOP on Thursday evening February 1 and Friday morning February 2-with the Palestinians classified as "martyrs" and the Israelis...

Former PM Ehud Barak Speaks at UC Berkley

Security was tight at UC Berkley for the Barak speech. The San Francisco Bay Area has a reputation for being an area with a lot of anti-semitic sentiment which is euphemistically termed "anti-Zionism". This is...

The new nexus of narcoterrorism: Hezbollah and Venezuela Press stories, as well as a television documentary, over the past two months have detailed the growing cooperation between South American drug traffickers and Middle Eastern terrorists, proving that the United States continues to...

Israel launches dialogue with the Saudis

ISRAEL, SAUDIS BEGIN DIALOGUE ON REGION The government of Prime Minister Ehud Olmert has launched a dialogue with Saudi Arabia to ensure stability in the Middle East. Western diplomatic sources said Olmert, with the help...

Official Palestinian Authority Media Report that Israel has Agreed that “Badr Division” of Palestinian...

June 11, 2005 Voice of Palestine radio reported late Saturday that Israel had reached agreement with Jordan and the Palestinian Authority (PA) to allow the "Badr Division" of Palestinian forces to enter the West Bank...

Why the Current U.S. Foreign Policy Debate Doesn’t Make Sense and How to Fix... Something very bad is happening with the U.S. foreign policy debate. Aside from all of the specific problems and bad appointments, the whole discussion is being conducted on the wrong assumptions and context. There is...