Terrorist Incidents against Jewish Communities and Israeli Citizens Abroad, 1968-2010

http://www.jcpa.org/JCPA/Templates/ShowPage.asp?DRIT=3&DBID= 1&LNGID=1&TMID=111&FID=624&PID=0&IID=8920&TTL=Terrorist_Incidents_ against_Jewish_Communities_and_Israeli_Citizens_Abroad,_1968-2010 â— The phenomenon of terrorism against Jewish communities and Israeli targets abroad represents the most violent aspect of contemporary anti-Semitism, and the greatest physical danger to Diaspora Jewish communities. The rational calculations of political...

What to Do About Syria

http://www.gloria-center.org/2012/02/what-to-do-about-syria/ There is a strong case that can be made for doing nothing about the Syrian civil war, but a stronger case can be made for doing something relatively low-cost and ineffective, indeed, precisely what...

Israeli Intelligence Official: Border With Syria Will Soon be “the Hottest Border in Israel”

http://www.algemeiner.com/2012/12/04/israeli-intelligence-official-border-with-syria-will-soon-be-the-hottest-border-in-israel/ A senior Israeli intelligence official has told Israel’s Channel 2 that soon the country’s border with Syria will be “the hottest border in Israel,” even more dangerous and active than those shared with...

Egypt Democratically Adopts an Anti-Western Dictatorship (Constitution Referendum)

http://rubinreports.blogspot.co.il/2012/12/egypt-democratically-adopts-anti.html The victory in the referendum on the Constitution is the fourth straight Muslim Brotherhood success-including the overthrow of President Husni Mubarak’s regime with army assistance, the parliamentary election and the presidential election--in the process...

PM: Abbas does not seek peace

http://www.israelhayom.com/site/newsletter_opinion.php?id=3223 What's behind Abbas' new tone? Mahmoud Abbas delivered a speech on Jan. 4, on the anniversary of the founding of Fatah, that may have marked a turning point in the relations between the Palestinian Authority...

Egypt Democratically Adopts an Anti-Western Dictatorship (Constitution Referendum)

http://rubinreports.blogspot.co.il/2012/12/egypt-democratically-adopts-anti.html The victory in the referendum on the Constitution is the fourth straight Muslim Brotherhood success-including the overthrow of President Husni Mubarak’s regime with army assistance, the parliamentary election and the presidential election--in the process...

Israeli Security Concerns and the Balkans

http://www.balkanalysis.com/blog/2013/03/31/israeli-security-concerns-and-the-balkans/ Heading into April 2013, Israel is confronted with a complexity of issues in the greater Middle East. These include: chronic political disagreements at home; the Syrian conflict next door, with its possibility to affect...

Majlis Shura al-Mujahidin: Between Israel and Hamas

http://www.meforum.org/3500/majlis-shura-al-mujahidin-gaza In recent weeks and months there has been a cacophony of Salafi protest that has swept Gaza against the ruling Hamas government related to treatment of prisoners, corruption, and ability to practice Islam as...

How the Syrian Civil War and Egyptian Coup Positively Transform Israel’s Strategic Situation

http://pjmedia.com/barryrubin/2013/07/11/how-the-syrian-civil-war-really-affects-israel/ Some subtle issues are coming out of the Syrian civil war regarding Israel: clearly, Israel is neutral regarding the war; it won’t get dragged into it; and the longer the war continues the better,...