David Bedein: How the PLO Covenant Never Changed after the Oslo Accords


International court of justice

Proceedings instituted by South Africa against  the State of Israel on 29 December 2023 (South Africa v. Israel)   Co-Agent’s Opening Statement   Dr. Tal Becker (30 minutes)    Madame President, Distinguished Members of the Court,   It is an honor to appear before you...

New Year – Old Realities

As predicted, all the unsolved challenges from the old year have reappeared with a vengeance in the new year. They were never going to go away and instead are present with an increased virulence and...


With American/Israeli investigative journalist David Bedein, who produces IsraelBehindTheNews.com, the best source available on the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA). David is the author of “UNRWA: Roadblock to Peace,” which gives a concise...

Fueling online antisemitism is China’s new tool against the West

Since the Oct. 7 Hamas terrorist attack on Israel, the quantity and virulence of antisemitic content on China’s tightly controlled internet — especially on its social media — have skyrocketed. This unprecedented surge in...

Facing Another Inconvenient Truth: The Misuse of Foreign Aid

A little review of history sheds some light on the predicament that Israel now finds itself facing. In the beginning comments of Chapter 9 of Nathan C. Belth’s book A Promise to Keep (Times Books, 1979), an apparent devastating conclusion of a 1968 UNESCO study of the textbooks used in the United...

Herzog reveals Hamas documents outlining directives for ‘terror summer camps’ in Gaza

President Isaac Herzog revealed on Sunday evening what he said was a Hamas document discovered by Israeli troops in Gaza dealing with summer camp programs hosted by the terror group. He presented the documents during...

This is a former Israeli foreign ministry official, Noga Arbell talking about destroying the...

This is a former Israeli foreign ministry official, Noga Arbell talking about destroying the UNRWA. byu/hunegypt inPalestine

Israeli military discovers Hamas terrorist equipment hidden inside UNRWA bags in Gaza clinic

Israeli Defense Forces discovered vests belonging to elite Nukhba forces of the Hamas terror group stashed inside bags belonging to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA). The vests were discovered during a raid on...

Ending the Perpetual Epidemiological Disaster of the Hamas Ideology

As a doctor who spent a lifetime of work in epidemiology and environmental medicine, I have extensive experience thinking about how external factors drive public health outcomes – preventable disease and premature death. I have...