Was Arafat Responsible for the PLO Gun Ship?

Seamen admit: we reported every step to the PA Yedioth Ahronoth (p. 7) by Alex Fishman -- Members of the Israeli intelligence service burst into laughter when they heard Arafat's announcement that he proposed establishing a...

Smadar Haran: He Must Not Go Free

24 years have elapsed since the terrible day when Smadar Kaiser-Haran's husband and daughter were abducted and murdered by terrorists. 24 years of unrelenting pain. Smadar cannot bear the thought that one of the...

Knesset Briefing on Iranian’s Nuclear Weapons

Discussion Leader: MK Dr. Yuri Stern Panel: Alon Bar, Director of the Arms Control Department of the Foreign Ministry Dr. Ephraim Asculai, Senior Research Associate of the Jaffe Center for Strategic Studies Dr. Jerome Corsi, formerly with the...

Professors of Statistics and Math from U. of Penn, Hebrew U. & Temple U....

For Press Comment: Contact Morton Klein at 212-481-1500 New York - Abe Foxman, National Director of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) released a new poll on Israel's Withdrawal Plan claiming it shows that 71% of Americans...

A Letter to My Seventeen Year Old Daughter at Auschwitz

Dear Leora, As I write this letter to you today, you and your schoolmates visit the Nazi death camp of Auschwitz-Birkanau in Poland. At this moment, you view the remains of the crematoria, the ovens, the...

The Situation of the Evacuees from Katif

Sources Information for this report has been acquired from authoritative sources: The Israel Legal Forum - the group of more than 50 lawyers working pro-bono and for token payment on behalf of the evacuees; Lema'an...

Incisive News Coverage of Israel

Posting: September 21, 2008 "Narrative" In the Torah reading for this past Shabbat -- Ki Tavo -- Moses speaks to the children of Israel shortly before they cross the Jordan River "into the Land that G-d...

Can The Fatah Option Work in Gaza

Israel's three-week military operation in Gaza in December-January has raised the issue of the possible return of Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas and his Fatah party to Gaza to replace the Hamas regime. The...

Israel At War With the New York TImes

The days of quiet diplomacy between the government of Israel and the New York Times are over. Israel has declared an uprecedented war against the New York Times, for what it calls tendentious and unfair...