Are the P5+1 Waging a Campaign against the Military Option? Since the signing of the Geneva agreement, the P5+1 leaders, especially President Obama, have made numerous statements that challenge the very idea of a military option against Iran as a realistic option. Evidenced by...

THE TRUTH OF SATIRE There is a wickedly funny and enormously sad piece of satire making the rounds about a “Lithuanian” charedi father attempting to explain to his inquisitive child the story of the Hasmoneans and their triumph...

Black September, The PLO’s attempt to take over Jordan in 1970 The nature of the Arab purpose in Palestine was illumined, was indeed dramatised, by the clash between the terrorist organisations and the Jordanian government that began September 1970. Not an ideological confrontation nor the...

Don’t Fall for the Hoax that Mandela Is Anti-Israel! Don’t fall for the false claim that Nelson Mandela was anti-Israel! It is based on a hoax--a letter written by anti-Israel activist Arjan El Fassed more than a decade ago in the style of...

Why Israel Is More Secure in 2014 than in 2013 Articles in the Israeli media based on analysis of security in 2014 present a surprisingly optimistic assessment, though not from a U.S. perspective and still with some warnings. Most of the work is by Ron...

Herzog treats Abbas as if Palestinian leader a savage? Israel's Herzog calls for 'brave' steps in peace talks Published yesterday (updated) 02/12/2013 18:32 RAMALLAH (AFP) -- Israeli opposition leader Isaac Herzog said Sunday he would push the government to take "brave" steps in US-brokered peace...

Report: Secret U.S. Iran Prisoner Exchange Revealed YERUSHALAYIM - As part of the rapprochment between the United States and Iran, it has emerged that the U.S. and Iran secretly negotiated a series of prisoner exchanges, The Times of Israel has learned. In...

Geneva: A Historic and Dangerous Agreement In terms of nuclear infrastructure Iran will be as close to getting the bomb in six months as it is today. Geneva leaves Iran with something it was never granted before: the right to...

December 2, 2013: Strength for the Hard Times Credit: Amit Erez I give thanks for this Chanukah season, which is buoying me - and I hope many of you! - during a difficult time. ~~~~~~~~~~ Before moving to the difficult stuff, I begin with links...

The Geneva Interim Accord: A Bad Deal EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The interim accord reached in Geneva regarding Iran’s nuclear program is a bad deal. It enshrines Iran’s status as a nuclear threshold state and paves, not impedes, Tehran’s path towards a nuclear...