Basic Agreement Between the Holy See and the Palestine Liberation Organization and Israeli Reaction

Preamble The Holy See, the Sovereign Authority of the Catholic Church, and the Palestine Liberation Organization (hereinafter: PLO), the Representative of the Palestinian People working for the benefit and on behalf of the Palestinian Authority: Deeply...

Seven Years of Arming the PLO

The State of Israel has armed its enemies. After six years it is still difficult to digest this. It is hard to believe that by its own hand,Israel built up a hostile military force and...

Suha Arafat gives an interview to a Saudi paper

Suha Arafat, wife of the Palestinian Authority chairman, shoots off her mouth. "I hate the Israelis," she declares. "I oppose normalization with them. Israeli women have attempted to make contact with me and I...

Where Are Arafat’s Secret Accounts?

In the early morning hours of Friday,April 20, a group of armed masked men knocked on the door of the home of Jawad el-Russein in Abu Dhabi. El-Russein, the PLO treasurer, opened the door...

Sacrifice of Israel’s Settlements?

When the PLO states that Israel must remove itself from "all occupied territories", few people question what exactly do they mean by "all occupied territories" - the general concept being that they want Israel...

Most Creative Murder Design

Israel Resource News Agency has decided to award Yassir Arafat and the Fateh, the mainstream organization of the PLO, with a citation for the most creative murder design on the web. The Fateh web site,...

PASSIA: US acknowledges that US AID Finances the Leading Palestinian Arab Media Lobby Organization

Ever wonder who is behind the well-oiled Palestinian propaganda operation that reaches out to every media outlet and every college campus in sight? Well, look no further than the US taxpayer. The US government has finally...

Apocalypse Postponed: The Process of Weakening Iran

The current conflict between Israel and Hizballah terrorists is the first step to weakening the power of Iran in the Middle East In an interview broadcast on July 23 on the Iranian News Channel, Iranian...

Incisive Commentary from the Past Ten Days

"A Pre-Sukkot Contemplation" I received an e-mail from a very serious reader (who shall remain anonymous here, as I've not received permission to use his name). Things are dire, he told me with a heavy...

Jewish Agency Center Prevents Jewish Learning

Since the founding of the State of Israel, the Jewish Agency has been reponsible for bringing millions of new immigrants to the fledgling state. One of the Agency's primary goals is to help immigrants...