Out of the mouths of fools…writes Michael Kuttner

This week has witnessed a veritable army of fools articulating everything from baseless hatred to recycled lies. While nothing new as far as this phenomenon is concerned, the spouting of irrational nonsense was given a...

What The American Media Got Wrong About The Temple Mount Killings

How Were the Temple Mount Killings Reported in America’s Media? Israel has been getting some bad press recently in the United States, much of it self-inflicted by the decision to halt the expansion of the pluralistic...

Following the Israel and US Elections: How to Galvanize public opinion to defeat...

Following the US and Israel elections: Our document to submit to the newUS Congress & the Israeli Knesset, Nov. 13, 2022 How to defeat the PLO and UNRWA 1. Recognize the new paradigm: Fatah can no longer...

May you live in interesting times

Wrongly attributed as a Chinese curse, this “blessing” is more relevant than ever as Jews prepare to welcome a New Year. Without any doubt whatsoever, the incoming year will not only be interesting but will...

Common Myths of the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict

Zichron Yaakov, IsraelThe Middle East conflict is unique in that every journalist, foreign newspaper columnist, rabbi, politician, political scientist, and Church leader is an armchair expert on Israel's political problem with the Arab world....

Should a Publicly Funded Leah Rabin be Above Public Reproach?

Under a special act of the Israeli Knesset, Leah Rabin receives public funding for travel and communications. The time has come to introduce international public scrutiny of Leah Rabin's use of Israel taxpayer funds. Most recently,...

P.A. Accountability

While the US Congress deliberates over whether or not to comply with the request of President Clinton to grant an additional $400M to the Palestinian Authority, a team of Palestinian and Israeli journalists have...

Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen) was quoted at length about the economic strains on Palstinian...

How the CIA Operates in Israel The American intelligence agency bears the main responsibility for the military development of the Palestinian Authority. CIA agents organized courses for snipers, trained special units, and provided sophisticated listening...

Fourth Graders enact suicide bombers in Palestinian Authority school

GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip - In a rally by Islamic militants, fourth-graders acted out a suicide bombing yesterday as adults threatened Israel with new attacks and Israeli troops killed another Palestinian teenager. Boys waving assault...

A Test of Credibility

The "Rabbis for Human Rights" continue their cooperation with Palestinians on another level. As Rabbis, so director Rabbi Arik Ascherman, they work for a greater force than the State of Israel. The existence of...