Video Games and Cigarettes: Syria’s Disneyland for Jihadists Atmeh looks like the set for a movie about al-Qaida. New arrivals pulling suitcases on wheels search for their emirs, Africans and Asians can be seen on the village streets, and long-haired men dressed...

Why the ‘Netanyahu Doctrine’ makes sense Editor’s note: Einat Wilf is a former member of the Israeli Knesset and sat on its Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee. The views expressed are the writer’s own. When Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu emerged...

Endangered mammal deadly blow to Palestinian farmers Ramallah: A small mammal at risk of extinction might seem an unusual source of stress for humans, but an influx of rock hyrax on Palestinian farms near the Israeli segregation wall is creating an...

Netanyahu’s Next UN Speech: Rip into the integrity of ABBAS & the PLO

The time has come for Israeli Prime Minister Netanyau to apply the same words that he has invoked against the integrity of the leader of the Iranian regime to an attack on the integrity...

Leading Israeli Analysts Failed to Agree on Strategy toward the Palestinian Authority

Although most of the analysts warned against the U.S. campaign to establish a Palestinian state in the West Bank in 2014, they could not agree on an Israeli alternative. Some of the analysts urged...

Abbas at the UN: Decoding the Babble Mahmoud Abbas - putative president of the Palestinian Authority - addressed the UN General Assembly on Thursday, focusing on the negotiations between the PA and Israel. How eminently reasonable was the tone he attempted...

Abbas Condemned Terror in English, for Jews in New York, But not in Arabic,...

This past Tuesday morning, Palestinian Authority (PA) foreign minister Riad Malki announced on the Voice of Israel Radio that PA leader Mahmoud Abbas would meet with Jewish community representatives in New York during his...

“PRESSURE FROM NESHER”: Hamas as Israel’s new trading partner

A leading member of the military's General Staff suddenly says that Hamas suddenly serves Israel's interests in Gaza. Maj. Gen. Sami Turgeman said Israel wants to maintain Hamas' hold over Gaza Strip, "What we want is...

Jews, Germans, Poison Gas and More Jewish organizational support for President Obama's temporary determination to enforce international norms and his own red line on Syrian use of chemical weapons brought out the nasty legions. and, among others, were...

Nuclear Talks with Iran: Diplomacy and Diminishing Time Efforts to resolve the long-running international crisis caused by Iran's failure to explain aspects of its nuclear program appear to be gaining momentum. President Hassan Rouhani will be in New York this week for...