Appreciating the Candor of Nabil Shaath

Israel has no cause to be angry at the Palestinian Foreign Minister Nabil Shaath, who declared yesterday in Lebanon that the road map will bring the refugees from 1948 back from Beirut to Haifa....


The statements that were made on Thursday by the French commander of UNIFIL troops, Major General Alain Pellegrini, that he was awaiting orders on the use of UNIFIL troops, including instructions to intercept Israeli...

Incisive Commentary

Posting: November 18, 2007 "Anyone's Guess" Will the conference be held in Annapolis on November 27? Still possible, but looking less likely. Khaled Abu Toameh is reporting in the Post that PA officials are saying they are...

Christians Walking With Fear In The Holiest Of Lands

On a crisp sunny day, Jerusalem's Latin Patriarch Michel Sabah was preparing for the Christmas Eve midnight mass that has been held every year for centuries in the holiest Christian site on earth -...

Incisive Commentary

Posting: December 31, 2007 "Setting Priorities" That is what I've had to do in recent days, my friends. I have refrained from taking the time to post because I have beeen at work on a major...

Israelis Under Fire Receive Boost From Philadelphia

When Hamas fired two Katyusha rockets into the southern Israeli city of Netivot, on May 24, the city officially joined the ranks of Sderot and kibbutzim along the border as a target for Gaza-based...

Religious Leaders Talk Ahead Of Pope’s Visit A Rabbi Greets The Pope In Rome,...

A leading Israeli rabbi is speaking out on the sensitive discussions between the Israeli rabbinate and the Vatican in anticipation of Pope Benedict XVI's May visit to the Holy Land and about his own...

Richard Goldstone is to be Investigated for Criminal Activity

Yemini was born in Tel-Aviv, Israel in 1954, on the eve of Passover. Hence the name, Ben Dror: the son of freedom..

He studied Humanities and History in Tel Aviv University, and later on he studied Law. After his university studies, he was appointed advisor to the Israeli Minister of Immigration Absorption and then became the spokesman of the Ministry.

In 1984, he began his career as a journalist and essayist and published the book "Political Punch" which deals in a critical way with politics and society in Israel. He worked as a lawyer and was a partner in a law firm. Since 2003 he is the opinion-editor of the daily newspaper Maariv and also published many articles and essays in other journals.

In recent years he researched and published "industry of lies " about publications against the State of Israel and its Jewish character, which he considers false. In this framework, he published a series of research articles about the Israeli-Arab conflict in which he examined the issues of genocide, refugees, Palestinian and Arab capital, the status of Israeli Arabs, Multiculturalism, and the status of women. All these articles included a comparative study about each topic.

According to Yemini, "the modern Anti-Zionism is a politically correct Antisemitism ". He argued that the same way Jews were demonized, Israel is demonized, the same way the right of Jews to exist was denied, the right for Self-determination is denied from Israel, the same way Jews were presented as a menace to the world, Israel is presented as a menace to the world. In his comparative studies, he presents the huge gap between the myths against Israel, from one hand, and the real facts, from the other hand.

According to Wikipedia, "He supports the Two-state solution and opposes settlements in the "West Bank ". He argues that the extreme right and the extreme left lead to the same goal of One-state solution. His articles concerning the Israeli-Arab conflict and his comparative studies led him to become the most translated Israeli journalist and a widely invited speaker about criticism of Israel ".

Could U.S.-Israel Ties Crumble Over Iran?

The strategic relationship between Israel and the United States could collapse amid their dispute over Iran. In three simulations conducted in Israel and the United States, relations between the two countries declined rapidly amid a...

Beware Palestinian Apartheid: Palestinian leader Abbas seeks to adopt racist policy based on ethnic...

The Palestinian Authority is under heavy international pressure, mostly American, aimed at facilitating the transition from proximity talks to direct negotiations with Israel. The written message recently sent by President Obama to Palestinian Chairman Mahmud...