From Israel: Getting Hotter

The Security Cabinet today approved attacks against Islamic Jihad and Hamas commanders responsible for the current Kassam escalation. There will be both air and ground operations, with attacks on arms supplies as well. And, indeed,...

“Rabin Legacy” Teacher Reinstated by Court: Israel Education Ministry Fined

In a precedent setting decision, the Jerusalem District Court has overruled the Israel Ministry of Education and ordered it to immediately reinstate an Israeli teacher who questioned the manner in which the school system...

Incisive Insight in the News

Posting: October 29, 2008 "Does This Matter?" To me it matters a lot: It's being reported that French president Nicholas Sarkozy thinks Obama's position on Iran is "utterly immature" and comprised of "formulations empty of all content." Sarkozy...

To understand the behavior of the youth in the Beit Hashalom in Hebron

In a country where the justice system is political, a media that makes no room for a flow of opinions, where half the nation finds no place in the media discourse, it should come...

Perspective on UNRWA and Terror

The pressure group Arab Media Watch has put out a statement claiming that my observation in my Daily Mail column yesterday, that Hamas has intercepted dozens of aid trucks and confiscated food and medical supplies...

A Castle For All Seasons

The history of the Jewish, Medieval Catholic and Muslim rule in the Holy Land and the ongoing fight for control is encapsulated by one site perched on the shore in the Town of Tiberius...


I read the report that quoted an American official who described President Obama's meeting with King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia. It was evident from the report that despite the president's amazing powers of persuasion,...

“Innocent Civilians” were actually…Palestinian Security Apparatus Members

Lt. Col. (res.) Jonathan Dahoah-Halevi is a senior researcher of the Middle East and radical Islam at the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs. He is a co-founder of the Orient Research Group Ltd. and is a former advisor to the Policy Planning Division of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Reconsidering the Credibility of DAVID MAKOVSKY as a Commentator on the Current Middle East...

After reading "DAVID MAKOVSKY AT GA: OPTIMISTIC THAT ABBAS IS A REAL PARTNER ” in the Winnipeg Jewish Bulletin, , here are some thoughts. David Makovsky wants to live up to his job description...

News Analysis

One gets the feeling that if he could -- without losing his coalition -- Netanyahu would: cave on extending the freeze, that is. And so, it is the strength of those coalition members we...