An Inversion of Morality From day one of its existence, the sole raison d'etre of the Hamas quasi-state in Gaza has been to kill Jews, the more the merrier. Since taking over the Gaza Strip in 2007, Hamas has...

Gold: Netanyahu still backs ‘two states for two people’

Erin Burnett speaks with Former Israeli Ambassador to the UN Dore Gold about Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's disavowal of a two-state solution.

Bibi Is Back: The Consequences for U.S.-Israeli Relations

It is, of course, Netanyahu’s right to reject the two-state solution. But given how Americans tend to see the world, doing so will have consequences for the bilateral relationship. With all votes in, it looks...

Fatah unit claims responsibility for murder of Israeli couple

(Over the years, JTA has hesitated to report what the Palestinian Authority conveys . Not this time.- David Bedein) A cell affiliated with Fatah’s armed wing assumed responsibility for the murder of an Israeli couple...

Conditional Friendships

One can always discern when a potential friendship is really a conditional one. The clue is when the word ‘IF’ is always attached to some kind of substantial condition. Currently, there is fevered speculation swirling around the...

Flash Report from the Hostages and Missing Families Forum headquarters

Initial medical report on the condition of the hostages and missing persons: Immediate danger to life and unbearable suffering for some of the hostages and missing persons. This emerges from an initial medical report detailing...

Their dovish hopes clipped, some Gaza border residents make peace with becoming hawks

The fact that the Hamas terrorists who invaded her kibbutz on October 7 wanted to murder everyone there came as no surprise to Irit Lahav, a peace activist from Nir Oz, where one in...

A Parent’s Day in Court

A personal message from Stanley and Joyce Boim, the parents of David Boim, whose son was gunned down by Amjad HaNawi, an Arab who has found safe haven in the Palestine Authority. We want to...

Philadelphia Inquirer: U.S. Government and European Community Finance PLO Broadcasts

I am a daughter of Palestine.... Koran in my right hand, in my left -- a knife. A slightly older girl with her ponytail wrapped in a checkered kaffiyeh gives an emotional recitation of a poem...

What Does it Mean to Have Yassir and Yassin Walk Hand in Hand

Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu's decision to free the Hamas leader, Sheikh Achmed Yassin has immediate ramifications for the Oslo process, and also for the future of Israel's bilateral negotiations with the Palestine Authority,...