A Note on “Reciprocity” in Very Personal terms from an American-Israeli Mother

Our nation is now embroiled in a fierce and passionate debate about whether or not to unilaterally leave the Security Zone on the Lebanese Border. The issue has of course, taken on greater urgency,...

The Media vs. Tenenbaum

My friend is facing the trial of his life. His trial is not in front of any judge, tribunal or legally mandated court. It's in the electronic soundbites and newspaper headlines where he is...

“Why is this night different …”

If he has a son, the son asks. In contrast to Hanukah and Purim where we are commanded to "publicize the miracle" (and include everyone), on Pesach, the publicizing of the miracle starts first of...

Watching Palestine Authority TV

Itamar Marcus does not recognize the Yasser Arafat that most Israelis know from their television sets. As the head of the Palestine Media Review, a relatively new nonprofit media outfit that monitors the official...

The United Nations Relief and Works Agency

Like many other UN relief agencies, UNRWA was founded in the midst of a refugee emergency that occurred in the wake of war. The UN organized UNRWA as a special relief agency that was...

Corruption Under Arafat: the Legislators Speak

Within the Palestinian Authority (PA) there is an office entitled General Control (GCO). In May it issued a report that included a startling claim: because of corruption $326 million, roughly one fourth of the...

Palestinian Anti-Semitism

When General Ghazi Jabali, commander of the Palestinian police, heard about the arrest warrant issued against him by Israel, he said: "This reminds me of Goebbels' methods". The comparison is not surprising if one...

Pollard: Israel AG Conspired to Obstruct Justice

Israeli Attorney General Eliyakim Rubinstein conspired to provide false testimony to the U.S. Justice Department, according to Jonathan Jay Pollard. The former civilian intelligence analyst for the U.S. Navy, who is serving a life sentence...

Head of Fatah Youth, Hakim Awad, on Weapons Training

IMRA interviewed Hakim Awad, the head of Fatah Youth in the West Bank and Gaza, in Hebrew and English, on May 24: IMRA: It was reported that last Thursday a group of Fatah Youth completed...

The Odd Couple Fight an Odd Traffic System to Reduce Speed and Save Lives

To alleviate the many traffic concerns of the public, the Israeli government is planning to build Route 6, the Trans Israel high-speed superhighway that will connect the country from North to South. Israel's first...