Prof. Zimmerman Invokes Himmler Comparison

Some 60 people attended a talk by Prof. Slavoj Z'izek, Professor of Philosophy from the University of Lubliana, Slovenia, at a rally sponsored recently by "Yesh Gvul" in Jerusalem. Prof. Z'izek's topic was Citizenship and...

Arafat’s Well Planned Ambush of Abu Mazen

Arafat planned his ambush of Abu Mazen meticulously. On Monday he convened about 40 members of the Palestinian leadership at the mukataa. There were members of the PLO Executive Committee, the Fatah Central Committee...

The Lessons of the PLO Attack on US Security Personnel in Gaza

Three American security personnel were killed in Gaza this week as they traveled through a war zone between PLO guerrillas and Israeli troops. Their deaths were bound to befall any foreign security personnel stationed...

Covering Left Wing Conferences in the US – in Boston and in Columbus

We dispatched a journalist to report on a conference that took place More gathered on the weekend of October 31-November 2nd in Boston, where more than 700 particpants discusse thee Geneva accords that have...

Professor Elmasry’s Broken Pledge to Allah

When Professor Elmasry a panelist on Canadian talk show "Michael Coren Live" answered Coren's question "Anyone and everyone in Israel - irrespective of gender-over the age of 18 is a valid target?" with, "Yes,...

Will the Real Abu-Mazen Please Stand Up?

Does the Palestinian Arab press know something that the Israeli press does not know? Even as the Hebrew press headlined the remarks of Mahmoud Abbas (a.k.a. Abu-Mazen) calling for an end to the "Intifada," the...

Beneath the Moderate Veneer

"If anyone deserves to be given a chance, this is the guy." So declared Israeli Deputy Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, referring to PA Chair Mahmoud Abbas (aka Abu Mazen), in an address just this past...

A tribute from a Jewish Reporter in Jerusalem

The visit of Pope John Paul II in Israel will not be forgotten. Yet not everything went smoothly. Shortly after Pope John Paul II announced that he was coming to Israel with the genesis of the...

Self-Censorship in the Israeli Media To Protect PM Sharon From Too Much Criticism

"The one who set up this whole enterprise was Sharon, and if, toward the end of his life, he is inspired to remove the settlements, in my opinion we must safeguard him, not only...

Spreading of Pollutants from a Sewage Outfall Along the Gaza Strip

5 Elul 5765 8 September 2005 In many parts of the world, including developed countries, sewage from large cities along the coast is disposed of at sea by either dumping the sludge far offshore (usually tens...