Israel Is Not A Banana Republic – Begin’s Rebuttal Of Reagan, State Dept., on...

VOLUME 7: 1981-1982 In an unprecedented move, Mr. Begin summoned the United States ambassador to Israel, and read to him the following statement in response to the punitive measures threatened by the US against Israel. It...


Ben Dror Yemini, Senior Writer at the Maariv Newspaper in Israek, was born in Tel-Aviv , Israel in 1954, on the eve of Passover. Hence the name, Ben Dror: the son of freedom.. He studied...

The Complacency and Complicity of America’s Jews

Recently, I had a conversation with an Israeli cousin who asserted that all the world's Jews should live in Israel. Recognizing that there is no other place in the world in which Jews are...


The Netherlands is a fascinating test case of how Middle Eastern factors--immigration, foreign policy issues--affect European politics. These questions have become highly partisan ones, with the left side and right side of the spectrum...

Analysis: Understanding What is Now Transpiring in Egypt

January 31, 2011 "Convoluted and Painful Process" The issues are anything but simple, and resolution of the situation in Egypt will not happen overnight, or in a week or a month. I do not intend to...

US/Canadian Trained Palestinian Sharpshooters Implicated in Murder of Jewish Worshiper: IDF Characterizes Attack as...

On May 29, 2011. The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) issued a report which implicated four members of the second battalion of the US/Canadian trained NSF, the Palestinian National Security Force, in the April 24...

The truth should be taught about the 1948 war On September 1, 1939, Nazi Germany invaded Poland. That is truth, not narrative. On December 7, 1941, Japanese planes attacked and destroyed the U.S. Pacific Fleet at Pearl Harbor. That is truth, not narrative. Of...

UNRWA in its Present Form; Impediment to Peace in the Middle East

A Middle East peace process ensued 34 years ago, when Egyptian President Anwar Sadat made an unprecedented middle east peace effort, when he proclaimed a new policy of peace and reconciliation with Israel. Sadat...

Sure Israel has a right of self-defense. Of course.

In a very fine editorial, The real racism: Expecting Jews to die meekly,, Martin Sherman notices that the world repeats robotically that Israel has the right to defend itself, but he notes correctly,...