Why Publicize What Arabs Say in Arabic?

At the annual American Jewish Press Association (AJPA) Conference, held recently in Philadelphia, a newsworthy session was held with Chemi Shalev, the newly appointed US correspondent for the English language edition of the Israeli...

Al Qaeda’s Resurgence

http://nationalinterest.org/print/commentary/al-qaedas-resurgence-7463?page=1 Sixteen months after the killing of Osama Bin Laden, Al Qaeda has achieved an impressive resurgence. Its “eastern strategy” of using Afghanistan and Iraq as springboards to expand in a southwesterly direction has been...

Report: How the United States Benefits from Its Alliance with Israel

THE U.S.-ISRAEL special relationship has traditionally been defined in terms of a moral obligation, shared values, and common interests. During the Cold War, Israel also came to be seen as a strategic asset that...

Questions Remain for the New Israel Fund on the Signing Anew/Haaretz “apartheid” poll

http://www.ngo-monitor.org/article/questions_remain_for_the_new_israel_fund_on_the_signing_anew_haaretz_apartheid_poll On October 23, 2012, Haaretz published a highly distorted article based on of a poll of 503 people under the headline, “Survey: Most Israeli Jews would support apartheid regime in Israel.” The very problematic...

Washington’s Failure to Rein in UNRWA

General Assembly resolution 194 of December 11, 1948, offers two options, repatriation and resettlement, to achieve the reintegration of the Palestinian Arab refugees "into the economic life of the Near East." Yet,...

The Status of “Palestine” at the United Nations

http://www.inss.org.il/upload/%28FILE%291353822496.pdf Two Palestinian documents recently made public deserve attention: the Palestinian request for non-member state status at the United Nations General Assembly,1 and the speech made by President Abu Mazen on November 11, 2012 at...

Letter a Jewish woman in Britain sent yesterday (19 November) to William Hague, the...

http://www.winnipegjewishreview.com/article_detail.cfm?id=3105&sec=3&title=Letter_a_Jewish_woman_in_Britain_sent_yesterday_(19_November)_to_William_Hague,_the_British_Foreign_Secretary _ Dear Mr Hague You have stated that if Israel tries to defend its population through a ground offensive in Gaza ‘it risks losing the sympathy of the international community.’ Let me tell you something about...

The “Day After” Scenario in Syria

http://jcpa.org/article/the-day-after-scenario-in-syria/ Vol. 12, No. 30 18 December 2012 The moment of truth is approaching in Syria. Bashar Assad’s regime is fighting a rearguard battle and has already lost control over large parts of the country. Syria’s...


http://www.winnipegjewishreview.com/article_detail.cfm?id=3171&sec=1&title=RAMALLAH_AND_BERLIN:__REFLECTIONS_ON_GERMANY%27S_VOTE_AT_THE_UN__RE:_THE_PA_STATEHOOD_BID There are a lot of reasons I can think of why Germany ought to have voted "no" in response to the Palestinian unilateral bid for statehood at the UN, one which Mahmoud Abbas declared...

Lessons of the Syrian Reactor

http://nationalinterest.org/article/lessons-the-syrian-reactor-8380?page=show THE OFFICE of the assistant to the president for national-security affairs in the West Wing of the White House is a spacious, well-lit corner room in a building where space is at a premium....