Genocides, unlike hurricanes, are predictable, says world expert. And Iran is following the pattern Genocide is neither “linear nor inexorable.” It is, rather, predictable and preventable, so long as you recognize the universal signs. And Iran, in its language and action, has taken six of the eight steps...

Remembering Chris Stevens in Jerusalem During his posting in Jerusalem as a senior political officer at the US Consulate in 2004-2006, our agency maintained direct contact with J. Christopher Stevens, the US ambassador to Libya who was slain Tuesday...

Preparing to fend off attack just another day for Israelis What does it feel like to be surrounded by countries intent on wiping you off the face of the map? How do you cope with daily incitement of hate, challenges to your legitimacy, threats...

Golda Meir’s Doctrine After Munich: Death Sentence For PLO Leaders Responsible…Could this be applied... 1&title=David_Bedein:_Golda_Meir%27s_Doctrine_After_Munich:_Death_ Sentence_For_PLO_Leaders_Responsible...Could_this_be_applied_ today_to_Abbas_for_His_Role_in_financing_Munich_Massacre Golda Meir's Doctrine After Munich: Death Sentence For PLO Leaders...Could this be applied today to Abbas for His Role in financing Munich Massacre? by David Bedein There has been a surge of interest in Israel, to...

Libya: Not Just a Tragedy But the Start of Another Endless War for America Yahoo highlighted two "amazing" stories shortly after the murder of five American diplomats in Libya and the attack on the U.S. embassy in Egypt that tell us a lot about the intersection between American...

Canada’s moral leadership President Shimon Peres was right to laud Canada as a “moral role model” for the nations of the world. Commenting on Ottawa’s Friday decision to cut diplomatic relations with Iran, Peres said, “Canada has...

Prof. Uzi Arad sets red lines for Obama Administration to adopt against Iran =Prof._Uzi_Arad_sets_red_lines_for_Obama_Administration_to_adopt_against_Iran _ Prof. Uzi Arad, a former national security adviser sets red lines for Obama Administration to adopt Live interview - Israel Radio Reshet Bet noon news program 4 September 2012 For recording: Let's start in terms...

Egypt Kicks Sand in Obama’s Face; Obama Gives Money, Arms, and Apologies Egypt tells us everything we need to know about the horror of Obama’s Middle East policy. The latest development is that a group of several Salafist and jihadist groups - including the local affiliate...

Podesta in Cairo A delegation of American business leaders with lobbying ties to relatives of a top Obama administration adviser wrapped up a four-day tour in Egypt aimed at laying the groundwork for increased economic cooperation on...

WHO EVER SAID CRIME DOESN’T PAY? SIX PERCENT OF PA BUDGET GOES TO PAYING...'T_PAY__SIX_PERCENT_OF_PA_BUDGET_GOES_TO_PAYING_PALESTINIAN_TERRORISTS_HELD_IN_ISRAEI_JAILS,_FAMILIES_OF_SUICIDE_BOMBERS __ Next time the Palestinian Authority asks for more international aid, it's time for Western nations to ask the PA why it is that, Abbas al-Sayyeed, convicted of planning the 2002 Park Hotel massacre...