Israeli forensic teams describe signs of torture, abuse

Military forensic teams in Israel have examined bodies of victims of last week's Hamas attack on communities around the Gaza Strip and found multiple signs of torture, rape and other atrocities, officers said on...

Flash Report from the Hostages and Missing Families Forum headquarters

Initial medical report on the condition of the hostages and missing persons: Immediate danger to life and unbearable suffering for some of the hostages and missing persons. This emerges from an initial medical report detailing...

UNRWA urges for the protection of civilians across the Gaza Strip: Not one wordo...

With a very heavy heart, I am called to share with you the Official Statement by UNRWA Commissioner-General, Philippe Lazzarini, on today’s tragic developments in the Gaza Strip: “As Gaza remains under heavy bombardment with...

Letter to Hendon MP – re BBC fail to use terminology TERRORIST

I wrote to you on the 24 May 2021(see attached) regarding the Dyson Report and the Balen  Report of 2004 in to the BBC’s deliberate manipulation of facts and asked what steps HM  government...

It’s time to take off the gloves

On the anniversary of the Yom Kippur War the enemies of Israel and the Jewish People chose another religious holyday to launch their version of the final solution. Like the Amalekites who attacked the vulnerable...

Worse than Nazism: It is Babi Yar All Over Again

PHILADELPHIA, Pennsylvania — Hitler taught the Arabs how to slaughter Jews, yet it can surprise us that the Einsatzaruppen’s chapter in Gaza City could not find a 50-foot deep ravine to gun down the...

Day 4: Iron Swords War

One of Israel's treasures is Doron Almog, who is decorated with many crowns. He is a recipient of the Israel Prize for Lifetime Achievement, a former major general in the Israel Defense Forces reserves,...

After the Horror, Israel Must Now Decide the Question of Taking Over Gaza

On the fourth day of the war, one can hope that some change is taking shape, stemming partly from a change in Israel’s approach. The shock and paralysis that took hold after the surprise...