Attacking Israel Online Throughout the greater Middle East, opposition to the concept and existence of a Jewish state is an idée fixe for hundreds of millions of Arab and non-Arab Muslims. A hatred of Jewish political sovereignty...

The war against the Jews The sustained anti-Israel de-legitimization campaign is a corollary of the millenarian obsession with the Jews in the Christian and the Muslim worlds. Since Israel is the world's only Jewish state, and since Zionism is...

Iran Isolated? Tell it to the UN The Obama administration is still asserting that diplomacy and sanctions will halt Iran’s drive for nuclear weapons without the need for either Israel or the United States to resort to force. At the core...

All the Ayatollah’s Men MORE THAN thirty years after Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini came to power-and two decades after his passing-the Islamic Republic remains an outlier in international relations. Other non-Western, revolutionary regimes eventually eschewed a rigidly ideological foreign...

It’s Not Just the Temple Mount; They Even Claim Susya In land disputes with Israel, Arabs often claim their "historic rights" to almost every part of Israel, often repeating the mantra that their grandfathers had lived on a given tract of land "for centuries" In...

Changes in the Balance of Power in Egypt: Egyptian Discourse on the Social Networks Background Following the terrorist attack in northern Sinai that killed sixteen Egyptian soldiers, the internal struggle in Egypt between the Muslim Brotherhood and the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF) reached a new level....

PC Kills American troops: More than 100 unarmed already murdered by Muslim ‘friends’ As I said in a previous column, one could be forgiven for believing that political correctness is only one step removed from insanity. Unfortunately, as the latest report from Afghanistan reveals, it can also...

Egypt Fully Remilitarizing Sinai – with U.S. Help Egypt has moved forces into the Sinai beyond what was agreed to in the Egypt-Israel Peace Treaty. Getting them in wasn't that difficult - Israel agrees that security in the Sinai has deteriorated. Getting...

Audio: Eran Zinger warns Egyptian Anti-Aircraft Missiles Could Shield Gaza from Israeli Defense Operations Eran Zinger warns Egyptian Anti-Aircraft Missiles Could Shield Gaza from Israeli Defense Operations Dr. Aaron Lerner 22 August 2012 Israel Radio Arab Affairs Correspondent Eran Zinger on Israel Radio Reshet Bet "Hakol Diburim" 22 August 2012 For...

Report: Palestinian incitement escalating Al Manara Square in Ramallah Minister of Strategic Affairs Moshe Ya'alon and ministry CEO Major General (Res.) Yossi Kooperwasser presented the government with the "incitement index" on Sunday. The index aims to gauge hostility towards Israel...