The Muslim Brotherhood’s Long Game Mursi delivers a speech during a ceremony in which the military handed over power to him. (Courtesy Reuters) n the 18 months since the overthrow of Hosni Mubarak, the Muslim Brotherhood has risen swiftly from...

Palestinian Authority president stealing millions in aid, Middle East experts say Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas has allegedly deposited nearly $13 million in U.S. taxpayer aid into a secret bank account, and routinely uses his political connections to profit from the stagnant peace process, according...

‘Israelis have a legal right to settle all Judea and Samaria’ Retired Supreme Court Justice Edmond Levy, who heads a committee tasked with examining the legality of Jewish construction in Judea and Samaria, declared on Tuesday that Israelis have a legal right to settle the...

Legal committee appointed by PM: Israelis have a legal right to settle all Judea... According to the committee, communities that were built on land owned by the state, or privately owned Israeli land, with the help of government bodies could not be classified as "unauthorized" due to the...

BDS IN THE PEWS: European, US, and Canadian Government Funding Behind Anti-Israel Activism in... canadian_government_funding_behind_anti_israel_activism_in_mainline_churches Since the 2001 NGO Forum at the UN’s Durban Conference, boycotts, divestment, and sanctions (BDS) aimed at Israel have developed as a key issue in mainline Christian denominations in the United States, Europe, Canada,...

Leaked UK Foreign Office documents reveal attitudes towards Netanyahu and Palestinian incitement attitudes_towards_netanyahu_and_palestinian_incitement Documents seen exclusively by The Commentator have revealed disturbing attitudes towards Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the British Government’s analysis of the Israeli-Palestinian peace process. While British Prime Minister David Cameron publicly calls the...

“The Lubavitcher Rebbe and Yitzhak Shamir” – interview conducted by Rabbi Chaim Dalfin, excerpted...

CD Mr. Shamir, please tell a little about yourself and the your association with the Lubavitcher Rebbe. Where were you born and what year did you come to Israel? YS I came here in 1935...

Why Publicize What Arabs Say in Arabic?

At the annual American Jewish Press Association (AJPA) Conference, held recently in Philadelphia, a newsworthy session was held with Chemi Shalev, the newly appointed US correspondent for the English language edition of the Israeli...

Morsi Is Israel’s Nightmare, But The Sun Will Come Up Tomorrow Hamas militants hold a poster depicting Mohamed Morsi of the Muslim Brotherhood as they celebrate in Gaza City. (photo by REUTERS/Mohammed Salem) We have reached the moment feared by generations of Israeli Intelligence and GSS...

How Many Refugees? A general view of the Jenin refugee camp is seen near the West Bank city of Jenin September 6, 2011 (Courtesy REUTERS/Abed Omar Qusini). Today the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics (or PCBS) commemorated World...