Why Israel’s foreign and defence establishments lobby for continuity of UNRWA...

Why wouldย Israelย  corporationsย tied to the IDFย lead the call for unlimitedย ย access to the PAย and UNRWAย with no restrictions? ย  The answer :ย ย 400 corporations inย Israel invested in the PA and Unrwa. ย  Such aย ย conflict of interestย ย caused a generation ofย Jewsย ย to lobby for...

Dead Sea returns to forefront of Israelโ€™s economy, tourist industry

Israelโ€™s Ministry of Tourism and Land Authority recently announced the winners of two tenders for the construction of four new Dead Sea hotels, part of a new complex that will be constructed alongside a...

Dead Sea shrinking: a story told in photos

When Noam Bedein first took a boat tour in Israel, he witnessed salt caves and colorful salt structures that had been hidden under water for thousands of years. When he came back to the...

From Israel: Yom Yerushalayim and the Fight Rages!!

Yom Yerushalayim (Jerusalem Day) celebrates the Israeli reunification of Jerusalem on the 28th of Iyar in the course of the Six Day War in 1967. In course of Jerusalemโ€™s long history it has been divided...


I am not sure what is actually causing the insanity currently being displayed internationally and domestically. Perhaps it is climate change that has addled the brains and common sense of so many or something in...

The Mystery of Elchanan Tannenbaum

The security establishment urgently needs to know what exactly Elhanan Tannenbaum revealed to Hizbullah about the secret military project in which he was involved in his reserve duty. After he fell into captivity, the...

1,200 tunnels operating between Egypt and the Gaza Strip- Sinai tribal leader

http://www.asharq-e.com/news.asp?section=1&id=31784 Cairo, Asharq Al-Awsat - The leader of the Al-Akur Tribe in Sinai, Arif Abu-Akr, has revealed that the 1,200 tunnels between the borders of Egypt and Gaza Strip are working at full capacity. Abu-Akr...

Bypassing the Suez Canal: Israel to Have China Construct The Eilat Railway

http://www.winnipegjewishreview.com/article_detail.cfm?id=2692&sec=1&title=Bypassing_the_Suez_Canal:_Israel_to_Have_China_Construct_The_Eilat_Railway The biggest piece of news that emerged from Israel this past week (July 3) is one you may have heard nothing about--but it is a game changer in terms of elevating Israel's economic/strategic position...