The Tayar Security Report

Born in Chicago Illinois served as councilor in Bnei Akiva Youth Organization Following graduation from High School entered year study/work program for young leadership from Bnei Akiva in Israel Following the year program- volunteered in IDF...

UNRWA Status Update on Capitol Hill A war is brewing on Capitol Hill. And while wars tend to create refugees, this one may result in fewer of them. Sen. Mark Kirk (R-IL) is trying to get a handle on the real...

HuffPo’s House Jihadi A devout Muslim who has praised Iran’s Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and publicly branded all non-believers as mentally ill “animals” was recently hired to serve as the Huffington Post’s political director in the U.K. Mehdi Hasan,...

A Toxic Brew in Sinai To grasp how badly the security situation in Sinai has deteriorated, one fact suffices: Israel now receives as many intelligence warnings about Sinai-based terror plots as it does about terror from Gaza. This, obviously, is...

Really Missing the Point on ‘Hudna’ Abu Marzouk, a key figure of the Hamas politburo, had never spoken with a representa­tive of a Jewish publication before he responded positively in April to a request for an interview by the left-leaning...

How Much Is Mahmoud Abbas Worth? Palestinian leaders in Ramallah, including President Mahmoud Abbas, are deeply concerned that Rashid's revelations could expose their role in the embezzlement of public funds. They are also concerned that Rashid's revelations could prompt some...

EU Documents Repeat False NGO Claims and Increase Tension

Leaked documents on Arab-Israeli conflict promote misinformation from NGO grantees Background Since 2010, six documents from the offices of EU representatives in Israel and the Palestinian Authority - dealing with the central, complex, and sensitive issues...

Stop Funding Tel Aviv University One of Israel's leading universities seems to have lost its way. In a move that is as incomprehensible as it is shameful, Tel Aviv University (TAU) agreed to allow a student group to hold a...

Will U.N. Employee’s Online Words About Israel Result in Her Termination? The recent uproar over a note on the Twitter post of a Palestinian woman was not exceptional, or-unfortunately-unusual. But the news photo sent out by Khulood Badawi had two additional elements: First, it was...

U.S. envoy for combating antisemitism: jordan refuses to teach about holocaust because it will... Hannah Rosenthal, the State Department's envoy for combating anti-Semitism was very dissatisfied with a visit she had with Jordan's Minister of Education in 2011 because he told her he refused to teach about the...