The New Oslo Process: Nobel Peace Prize for President Obama and Norway’s Peace Agenda

News that President Obama received the Nobel Peace elicited a gasp from the anchor of afternoon newsreel of Israel Broadcasting Authority Radio on Friday - "Well, now that is a surprise", she said with...


There have been numerous reports in the past number of months about the flourishing economy under the leadership of Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad. Various data demonstrate a significant rise in the GDP and...


Everyone was appalled in recent days by the intentional devastation at the archaeological site of Avdat. The front pages told the bitter stories of vandalism in the Negev, with various media outlets competing for...

When an artist boycotts Israel….comes to Israel to accept an award

Sometimes, it seems, public imbecility knows no bounds. David Reeve is a well known artist who protests from time to time against the separation fence in Bilin, and signs petitions against Israel.. In the beginning of...

The Northern Affront : Perspective on Scandinavian Attitudes to Israel

When Jeremiah prophesized, twenty-seven centuries ago, that "Evil shall come forth from the North" (Jeremiah, 1:14), he meant Syria. In today's bizarre world, this prophecy surely would apply to Scandinavia. On the face of it,...


Translated by ISRAEL NEWS TODAY, a news translation service at the Beit Agron International Press Center in Jerusalerm, Israel

Denigration of Israel in the Public Domain: Yom Kippur and the American Jewish Media

The principle of Freedom of the Press assures every media outlet the right to publish freely in the public domain. Yet on Yom Kippur, we couch that freedom with a restraint on "Hotzaat Shem...

Richard Goldstone is to be Investigated for Criminal Activity

Yemini was born in Tel-Aviv, Israel in 1954, on the eve of Passover. Hence the name, Ben Dror: the son of freedom..

He studied Humanities and History in Tel Aviv University, and later on he studied Law. After his university studies, he was appointed advisor to the Israeli Minister of Immigration Absorption and then became the spokesman of the Ministry.

In 1984, he began his career as a journalist and essayist and published the book "Political Punch" which deals in a critical way with politics and society in Israel. He worked as a lawyer and was a partner in a law firm. Since 2003 he is the opinion-editor of the daily newspaper Maariv and also published many articles and essays in other journals.

In recent years he researched and published "industry of lies " about publications against the State of Israel and its Jewish character, which he considers false. In this framework, he published a series of research articles about the Israeli-Arab conflict in which he examined the issues of genocide, refugees, Palestinian and Arab capital, the status of Israeli Arabs, Multiculturalism, and the status of women. All these articles included a comparative study about each topic.

According to Yemini, "the modern Anti-Zionism is a politically correct Antisemitism ". He argued that the same way Jews were demonized, Israel is demonized, the same way the right of Jews to exist was denied, the right for Self-determination is denied from Israel, the same way Jews were presented as a menace to the world, Israel is presented as a menace to the world. In his comparative studies, he presents the huge gap between the myths against Israel, from one hand, and the real facts, from the other hand.

According to Wikipedia, "He supports the Two-state solution and opposes settlements in the "West Bank ". He argues that the extreme right and the extreme left lead to the same goal of One-state solution. His articles concerning the Israeli-Arab conflict and his comparative studies led him to become the most translated Israeli journalist and a widely invited speaker about criticism of Israel ".

Why do Some American Rabbis “Fast for Gaza”?

Sixty-two rabbis from the liberal streams of American Judaism are participating in a monthly "Jewish Fast for Gaza" which, according to their manifesto (crafted by one of the project's coordinators, Rabbi Brant Rosen) "seeks...

When Did Anti-Zionism Become An International Issue?

For more than 20 years after the establishment of the State of Israel, anti-Zionism was a regional phenomenon - a conflict between Arab and Jewish national movements. In the Soviet Union and in Eastern...