Funds for Arab Terror From Israel. Following US Pressure on Israel, Israel Ministry of...

Israel this week transferred NIS 70 million to the Palestinian Authority to cover an outstanding debt, thereby supplying the PA with the possibility of re-equipping and regrouping for a new round of battles that...

The Question No Candidate in the Israeli Elections Wants to Answer: Must Israel End...

This article was written by a veteran American correspondent based in Israel who asked that his name not be used. Israeli politicians love to talk and the rhetoric during the current campaign for Knesset elections...

“In the Next Few Weeks, an Earthquake Will Take Place”

Question: Are the Americans deployed in the Gulf with sufficient forces to enable them to land a crushing blow on Iraq already? "So it seems. They are capable. When the command is given." Question: So you...

The Deeper Reason Why Netanyahu Lost His Position as Foreign Minister

Perhaps the most effective tool against the PLO is the power of the court, where a victim of PLO terror can litigate to tie the billions of dollars of assets of this international terror...

A Road Map to Natural Disaster

If the Quartet's road map is accepted, Yasser Arafat will win the greatest victory of his life. Despite the blatant violation of all his commitments in the Oslo agreements and his responsibility for the...

The Road Map: What do we know about it?

Introduction All the following citations are derived directly from the Third (and to the best of our knowledge the most recent) Draft of the Road Map, formulated by the four powers known as "the Quartet"...

Palestinian Authority Security Services Offer Positions to Fateh Terrorists

Palestinian sources said at least one PA security chief relayed an offer to provide a job to any Fatah militant who pledges to surrender his weapon and abandon the war against Israel. The offer...

Camp David: Three Years Later

Three years ago today, on July 10, 2002, the Israeli prime minister at the time, Ehud Barak, flew to a summit with Yasser Arafat at Camp David. Upon leaving Israel, Barak spoke of an...

What Will Occur After Three Months of the Hudna?

October 3, 2003 goes into the history books as "black Friday." At 2:00 p.m., a group of soldiers that had just finished its shift at the General staff headquarters stood on the road passing...

Will the US Congress Approve Powell’s Rescue of Arafat?

On the evening of September 11th, Israeli intelligence provided evidence to a special session of the Israeli security cabinet which proved that Arafat has been directly responsible for months of terror activity, in coordination...