Clear and present danger: String of disastrous decisions shows that government is our greatest...

It is difficult to grasp. It is even difficult to accept. But it is no longer possible to deny the almost unthinkable truth. Today the People of Israel and the State of Israel are facing...

Smuggling from Egypt to Gaza via Sea with no interference by Israel or Egypt

Yediot Ahronot correspondent Alex Fishman reports in today's edition that according to senior Israeli security sources, Egypt has reduced it naval anti-smuggling activities as compared to the past. Palestinian boats loaded with people and suspicious...

The New York Times and the al-Dura Hoax

Students face riot police near Tehran University, during a clash which started when police occupied and closed the main entrance gate of the university, in Tehran, Iran, Tuesday July 13, 1999. In a flashback...

Al-Aqsa Brigades in Gaza graduate a class of fighters

A class of fighters trained by the Al-Aqsa Brigades, Fatah's armed military wing, graduated on Sunday in the northern Gaza Strip. The group stated during the graduation ceremony, that they intend to continue armed resistance...

Hamas Exploiting Internet: Launch of AqsaTube

Hamas, like terrorist organizations such as Hezbollah and al-Qaida, have learned to use and exploit the Internet.With the six-month cease-fire with Hamas scheduled to conclude on December 19, Hamas has launched a new Web...

Hamas Becomes Directly Involved In Attacks

Israel has determined that the Hamas regime was directly involved in attacks against the Jewish state. A report by a government-sponsored intelligence center asserted that the Hamas regime has raised its profile in the latest...

In the Line of Verbal Fire:Pro-Palestinian group visits in Sderot

I recently had my second opportunity in Sderot to host a group from the Ecumenical Accompaniment Programme in Palestine and Israel (EAPPI). EAPPI is a program supported and funded by the Geneva-based World Council...

Gaza Regime Prepares Children For Death

Jerusalem - At a time when Israel continues to come under scathing criticism for the deaths of 22 children during Israel’s three week counter attack in Gaza last winter, the Gaza regime has been...

Should People Reconsider Support for the Infrastructure of an Entity at War with the...

Now and then, people remind me of my passionate advocacy for a Palestinian State more than thirty years ago. In a position paper delivered at a Weiss’s Farm Retreat in 1978, I spoke of a...

Is the Palestinian Authority in Violation of American Law? The writer served as a senior Israeli diplomat in Washington. Today he is a consultant on public affairs and blogs at On Thursday, May 27, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will travel to Paris to formally...