How the Hamas-led Palestinian Regime will Gain International Legitimacy: By Recognizing Agreements Never Ratified...

On Thursday, Hamas, formally defined by the U.S. and almost all Western nations as an Islamist terrorist organization, formally assumed the reigns of the provisional government of the Palestinian Authority, without relinquishing its principles. The...

Israel’s Arabs’ Support Of Iran Creates Worries

Among the Arab citizens of Israel, who constitute more than 1 million Israeli citizens and more than 15 percent of Israel's population, there is a widespread support for Iran. This has begun to worry the...

Commentary: In the Aftermath of the Palestinian Unity Government

Well, the Palestinian National Council approved the new unity government today, with 83 votes out of 87 council members participating. (There are 132 seats in the legislature, but 41 members are in Israeli prisons.)...

Commentary: Difference Between PLO and PA

In response to a reader query, I begin with an explanation of the difference between the PLO and the PA. The PLO, founded in 1964, became recognized and declared itself to be the legitimate representative...

A European Declaration of Independence

A European Declaration of Independence We, the citizens of the United Kingdom, The Netherlands, Spain, Italy, Germany, Sweden, Denmark, Ireland, Hungary, (fill in the blanks) demand that the following steps are taken immediately: We demand that...

Commentary: The Anticipated Winograd Report

... Things are heating up here politically in anticipation of the interim report from the Winograd Commission (which is looking at our failures in the Lebanon war). Due in a matter of weeks, this...

Iran Seeks To Form Hamas-Led Army

Israel's intelligence community has determined that Iran launched a crash program to form a Hamas-led Palestinian army. Iran has been training up to 500 Hamas operatives as combat commanders and soldiers. They said the Hamas...

European Union Willing To Accept Hamas’ Non-Recognition Of Israel

Israel's efforts to prevent international recognition of the Hamas-led Palestinian unity government have suffered a blow. The leaders of the 27 member countries of the European Union, who met in Brussels over the weekend,...

Commentary: Abbas’s Assurances to Olmert…

Well... yesterday we were told that during their meeting Abbas assured Olmert that the release of Shalit was imminent, and that he would be working to try to make it happen before the unity...

Syria Deploys Thousands Of Missiles Near Israel

The Middle East Newsline reports from Israeli military sources that Syria has deployed more than 1,000 missiles and rockets near the Jewish state. Israeli officials said Syria has brought a range of medium- and long-range...