CHALLENGE OF THE NEW JEWISH YEAR: WILL THERE BE A NEW DISENGAGEMENT? This link to a color coded map depicts the second withdrawal map that was approved by the government of Israel on February 20, 2005, as the second scheduled Israeli withdrawal, following the pullback and...

The Role of Fatah

Frontpage Interview's guest today is Jonathan Schanzer, director of policy at the Jewish Policy Center. He has served as a counterterrorism analyst at the U.S. Department of Treasury and as a research fellow at Washington...

A Review of “Doodling for Saddam: The Use of Cartoons in Palestinian Newspaper to...

The Palestinian Authority is inciting its citizens against America, and the publication of anti-American sentiments in the government-controlled press proves it, an informed critic said here. David Bedein, bureau chief of the Israel Resource News...

Perpspective of Prof. Efraim Inbar

IMRA contacted Prof. Efraim Inbar to ask him about his proposal fr Egypt and Jordan to control the Gaza Strip and West Bank respectively (see below): IMRA: It doesn't require a particularly fertile imagination to...

Israeli Intelligence Assessment: Egypt Fails To Reduce Hamas Arms Flow

Israel's intelligence community has determined that Egypt, despite numerous operations in 2008, failed to reduce the weapons flow to the Hamas regime in Gaza. The Israel Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center ( ) reports that...

A Seminal Call on the Eve of Passover for an End of Incitement

A Passover statement from Professors Elihu D Richter and Israel Charny based on a parallel letter to the new Prime Minister of Israel, Mr Benjamin Netanyahu and its President, Mr Shimon Peres April 4 2009 Subject:...

Greed Wins: Israeli Profits Override Protection of its Citizens

Israel Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon and a slew of Israeli officials who promote trade relations with the Palestinian Arab population conducted a press briefing on Wednesday, July 8, 2009. Israeli government officials explained why...


Marc Garlasco, the senior Human Rights Watch expert is one of the authors of some of the most venomous reports against Israel and the IDF. But he has another occupation: He a compulsive collector...

Report Ignored By Goldstone UN Commission:

Head of World Genocide Situation Room in GENOCIDE PREVENTION NOW (GPN) Worldwide Web Site Institute on the Holocaust and Genocide

The New Oslo Process: Nobel Peace Prize for President Obama and Norway’s Peace Agenda

News that President Obama received the Nobel Peace elicited a gasp from the anchor of afternoon newsreel of Israel Broadcasting Authority Radio on Friday - "Well, now that is a surprise", she said with...