Doubling Australian aid to UNRWA: A VITAL PERSPECTIVE,

The Australian government has announced that it will double to its aid to UNRWA, the United Nations Relief and Works Agency, which the UN created as a “temporary” entity in the wake of the...

Yair Lapid’s “fight vs flight” dilemma

With just under two weeks until Election Day, and Israel’s continued standing as a bastion of democratic stability and regional military superpower at stake, many recent contradictory revelations concerning the military service of Israel’s...

No, Gray Lady, the ‘bedrock’ of US-Israel relations isn’t a two-state solution

In a social media post on Sunday, Prime Minister-designate Benjamin “Bibi” Netanyahu blasted the Gray Lady for its gall. “After burying the Holocaust for years on its back pages and demonizing Israel for decades on its front...

UNRWA’s Terrorists, by Ted Bellman

FirstOneThrough Once again Israel is being forced to combat terrorists who have committed and plan to commit murderous attacks on civilians. Once more, the locus for the attacks is coming from United Nations’ “refugee” camps....

Haaretz Forms of “indiscretion”

1. opinion stated as fact 2. only one side presented 3. incorrect fact 4. illogical conclusion drawn from facts 5. skewed choice of subjects that are presented 6. skewed choice of reports that are considered accurate 7. article gives last word to one side without its truly...

Israeli military discovers Hamas terrorist equipment hidden inside UNRWA bags in Gaza clinic

Israeli Defense Forces discovered vests belonging to elite Nukhba forces of the Hamas terror group stashed inside bags belonging to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA). The vests were discovered during a raid on...

Hamas murdered the hostages, not Benjamin Netanyahu

Even before the official announcement identifying the bodies of the returned hostages, the inflammatory rhetoric had already begun. Wild accusations started circulating, blaming Benjamin Netanyahu for nothing less than the direct murder of the...

Same Policy Same Results

The Prime Minister today told Arafat - in a media oriented demonstration of supposed strength - after scores of innocents were killed and wounded - that he must bring a connection between what he...

Arafat & Palestinian Unity

The following are selections from "Demarcating 'security cooperation'" by Graham Usher which appeared in AL-AHRAM WEEKLY, 28th August - 3rd September, 1997 Last week representatives from the Palestinian Authority (PA), the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO),...

Soul-searching on the Left Could Heal Israel’s Wounds

On the second anniversary of the Rabin assassination, it is plain that leaders of the Israeli left still demand an ongoing soul-searching from the right. But they seem to be having trouble doing this...