Foreign Governments Are Key Backers of Peace Now

Peace Now, a far-left Israeli-based organization promoting Israeli withdrawal to pre-1967 borders and removal of all Jewish communities in Judea/Samaria, is largely funded by foreign governments. The organization, which spends large sums of money finding...

Think Tank: Iran’s Military Capability Second Only to Israel in the Middle East

The London-based International Institute of Strategic Studies has determined that Iran has been deemed the second most powerful country in the Middle East. This institute has determined that even without nuclear weapons, Iran could defeat...

Unforeseen Consequences of Olmert Handing Over US Weapons to an Organizations Placed on the...

Israel's government last week provided American-made weapons, including hundreds of M-16 automatic machine guns, to the Fatah organization in Gaza. It did so despite the fact that the military wing of Fatah, the Al...

An Examination: How Palestinian Media Professionals Can Bend TheTruth.

Printed with permission of the German Suedduetche Zeitung which ran the following article with a detailed examination of the evidence in the Gaza Bearch shooting on June 9th, 2006. It clarifies many aspects of...

A “Kadima USA” Policy Statement – June 5th, 2006

As Prime Minister Ehud Olmert makes his first state visit to the United States, it is time for Jews around the world to firmly support his efforts to set defensible borders for the State...

A Journalist Presents Another Perspective for Kadima USA to Consider

According to the position paper issued by Kadima USA, issued on June 5th, 2006, the "current situation in Israel demands physical separation". However, there is more that meets the eye, when it comes to Kadima. Concerning...

Double Discrimination: Removal of Human Rights in Judea?

The request of the Israeli government for Israeli citizens to place a sticker on their car if they live in Judea was stated as a way to "ease the situation at the checkpoints" The only...

Do Israelis Purposefully Mislead Bush About Abbas’s “Referendum”

Two weeks ago, I was present when a major official of the Israeli Foreign Ministry briefed his guests with what he described as the "optomistic" report that Abbas was proposing a new peace initiative,...

A Human Perspective of the “Disengagement”

The wedding invitation envelope looked pretty much like any other. What struck me was the handwritten return address: "Room 699" of a Kibbutz Guest House in Israel. It came from our old friends Ben...

Ten anti-semitic and/or anti-Israel trends that the Intelligence and Information Center Discerned in the...

Questions put by Israel Resource News Agency to the office of the Prime Minister of Israel as to whether Israel would demand the removal of these books from the head of the Palestinian Authority...