Ariel Sharon’s Party: Loyalists of the PM Unite!

Ariel Sharon, who has served as Israel's Prime Minister for almost five years, has suddenly found himself as a man without the very Likud party that he formed in 1973. Likud had a clear platform,...

Police Open Investigation into Left-Wing Groups Offering Incentives to Refuse IDF Service

(Copy of the "yesh Gvul" brochure offering $750/Month for IDF soldiers who refuse service in Judea and Samaria available for perusal or faxxing) 18:18 Nov-20-05 / 18 Cheshvan 5766 Sunday, November 20, 2005 / 18 Cheshvan...

Let My People Sue: Help the Evacuees Regain Their Dignity in Court

Three months ago, 10,000 people were forcibly evicted by the Israeli Government from their privately owned homes and farms in 25 Jewish communities in Gush Katif, northern Gaza, and northern Samaria. A few days...

Rafah Agreement: Israel Signs Away Sovereignty

With the Rafah agreement, which has not yet been signed, Israel is signing away her status as a sovereign nation. A sovereign nation has two basic rights -- to control its borders and to self...

Homeless in the homeland

Calling Ehud Zinar intense is like calling the Negev dry. Whippet-thin and darkly energetic, Zinar is a man on a mission, touring North America, speaking to community leaders, clergy and school children about his former...

Amir Peretz: Sign of a Social Revolution in Israel?

922 words PERETZ ASTONISHES By David Bedein THE SOCIAL REVOLUTION The election of an Israeli Moroccan union leader, MK Amir Peretz as the new chairman of the Israel Labor Party, in which he ousted veteran Israeli Deputy...

UNRWA: A Roadblock to Peace?

Now that Israel has withdrawn from Gaza, leaving Arab governments and their intellectual apologists in the West without a scapegoat, attention is finally turning to the real problems that are plaguing the Palestinian Territories....

UJC (UNITED JEWISH COMMUNITIES) Brochure on Situation of the Evacuees

Facts About Israel's Disengagement from the Gaza Strip and Northern Samaria NUMBER OF SETTLEMENTS EVACUATED: Gaza Strip: 21 Northern Samaria: 4 NUMBER PERSONS EVACUATED: Gaza Strip: 8470 individuals from 1812 families Northern Samaria: 670 individuals...

German Government: Indirect Support For The “Right Of Return”

One consistent aspect of cultural life in the United Nations-run Palestinian Arab refugee camps: the film screenings in the camps which motivate the refugees longing for a Palestinian "right to return" to villages that...

U.N. Agency Balks At Transferring Duties To Palestinians

A U.N. agency dedicated to the welfare of Palestinian Arabs is resisting Israel's suggestion that it hand over some of its responsibilities in Gaza to the Palestinian Authority. The idea was raised by Israel's foreign...