Target: Syrian WMD U.S. intelligence agencies are closely watching Israel’s military for signs it will conduct strikes on Syria’s stockpiles of chemical weapons, amid concerns the deadly nerve agents could fall under the control of Hezbollah or...

Sinai Is Biggest Challenge For Egypt

The turbulent Sinai Peninsula has become the biggest challenge for Egypt's new Islamist government, a report said. Israel's Institute for National Security Studies asserted that the collapse of order in Sinai was seen as the...

A Mormon in the Holy Land,0,1753057.story Mitt Romney 's visit to Israel will generate much speculation on the role Jewish voters will play in the U.S. presidential election. His visit may also spark discussion about Mormon-Jewish relations in the wake...

Middle East Non-Solutions The mantra crops up almost everywhere . "You Israelis have two simple choices ," it goes. "You can either annex all of the 'occupied territories' and grant equal Israeli citizenship to all of the...

Gaza tunnel trade: Matter of life and death for Hamas Ramallah, Asharq Al-Awsat - The hundreds of underground tunnels that connect the Gaza Strip and Egypt have served as a means of smuggling banned goods into the occupied territories over the past 5 years...

Arms Control Dilemmas: Focus on the Middle East

The Institute for National Security Studies (INSS), incorporating the Jaffee Center for Strategic Studies, was founded in 2006. The purpose of the Institute for National Security Studies is first, to conduct basic research that...

Egypt Kicks Sand in Obama’s Face; Obama Gives Money, Arms, and Apologies Egypt tells us everything we need to know about the horror of Obama’s Middle East policy. The latest development is that a group of several Salafist and jihadist groups - including the local affiliate...

Israel Worried Over Iranian Navy

The Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies asserted that Israel has been closely following the expansion of the Iranian Navy and extension of its operations. In a report, the center said Israel was concerned over...

Wednesday’s War, Monday’s Quarterbacks Middle East Wars kill people, but they add life to the careers of journalists who substitute their own prejudices for fact-based analysis. The Wednesday War (eight days from Wednesday to Wednesday) against Hamas terror is...

AWRAD Poll of Palestinians – 87.7%:10.3% Gaza conflict results prove armed struggle best way... The results of the recent Gaza conflict prove that armed struggle, as adopted by Hamas, is the best means of achieving Palestinian independence Strongly agree 55.6% Agree 32.1% Disagree 9.1% Strongly disagree 1.2% I don't know 2.1% Dr. Aaron Lerner...