The Powell Visit: Israeli Press Reportage of a Disaster

-- To the question of what repercussions the failure of Secretary of State Colin Powell's mediation mission will have, the Palestinians respond with a single word: a "catastrophe" Officials close to Sharon said: "True, it...

How CNN Could Establish Integrity: Run Ten Segments on a Day in the Life...

On Tuesday morning, June 19th, we began the day with the horrific news of yet another bus bombing in Jerusalem. A colleague who covers Arabic language media output of the Palestinian Authority, reported how the...

Keeping the UN in Line

So far this year, US diplomats have secured the removal of Mary Robinson,High Commissioner for Human Rights; José Bustani, head of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons; and Robert Watson, head of...

Evacuating Ramat Gan Residents During the War?

Officials in the Ramat Gan municipality tried yesterday to maintain secrecy regarding the exact site to which the residents of the city would be evacuated in the event of a missile attack on Israel. However,...

Media Scrambles For Rooftops in Tel Aviv

The attack in Iraq has not begun yet and no special alert has been declared yet in Israel, but the foreign media is already preparing for the possibility that missiles will fall in the...

Israel Media Overview: Analysis of How Israel Prepares for the War with Iraq

What Are We Waiting For Yedioth Ahronoth (p. 1) by Alex Fishman (news analysis) -- The precise timing will be whispered by President Bush into Arik Sharon's ear only. But it really doesn't matter. The...

Interview with The Director of IDF Intelligence: “… Iraq Has Non-Conventional Weapons”

Where is Saddam Hussein? Is he alive or dead? What became of his sons? Where is he hiding the missiles and launchers? What are the "sensitive things" that Saddam's associates in Baghdad handed over...

No PLO Recognition of the State of Israel

Last December, shortly before the wording of the road map that has now been published was finalized, I spoke with an American who was one of the architects of the Israeli-Palestinian negotiations under President...

What Would Happen If Israel Were to Use US PR Tactics in Their Information...

The American Example The prime minister's visit in Washington takes place a few days after the Bush administration taught the world a bit about delicate taste. The photographs of the corpses of Uday and Qusay,...

Delivering the UNRWA report to the Canadian Parliament and the US Congress this Past...

This week, between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, I traveled to the US and Canada in order to share vital data on the "right of return" agenda of UNRWA. This UN agency, which runs the...