Abbas Expected to Push for Direct US Aid Following Congressional Setback

Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas, on his upcoming visit to Washington, is likely to raise with congressional leaders the recent US foreign aid package that forbade direct assistance to the Palestinian Authority. The legislation, which...

A Security Error of Historical Magnitude

Strategic Assessment Volume 7, No. 3, December 2004 Jaffee Center for Strategic Studies, Tel Aviv University The Aims of the Disengagement Plan On April 18, 2004, the Israeli government issued a general outline of its proposed unilateral disengagement...

Incitement from Official PA Cleric in Friday Mosque Sermon

Palestinians warn of al-Aqsa attack in mosque incitement, Qreia briefing, while pushing tough line In a fiery official sermon on Palestinian State Television Friday (March 18, 2005), Palestinian preacher Sheikh Ibrahim Mudeiris declared that the...

Waqf Minister Warns of Deforming Occupied Jerusalem

With thanks to for providing this important press release. Waqf Minister Warns of Deforming Occupied Jerusalem GAZA, Palestine, March21, 2005 (IPC Exclusive)--Palestinian Minister of Waqf and Religious Affairs, Yousef Salama, warned on Sunday of frequent...

The New PA/Hamas Cairo Agreement: Authorization for Terror Against Israel

I read the Arabic text of the "Cairo statement"... The best man is Egypt. The happy couple are Abu Mazen on the one hand, and Hamas and the other extremist Palestinian organizations on the...

List of Wanted Suspects Submitted by Israel to the Palestinian Authority Found its Way...

The list of wanted men that Israel submitted to the Palestinian security forces quickly found its way into the hands of the wanted men themselves. Instead of supervising the wanted men and disarming them-which...

The Palestinian “Temporary Cease-Fire”: A Definition of Terms

The election of Mahmud Abbas (Abu Mazen)...has brought about a change in the Palestinian Authority's policy on continuing the "armed intifada." At the same time, the paramount interest of Hamas and Islamic Jihad is...

Should the CIA Train PLO Armed Personnel Once Again?

BETHLEHEM, As the U.S. renews its training sessions for Palestinian security forces, a group photo from seven years ago holds a stark warning for the Bush administration about the fate of past CIA trainees. In June...

Talking Peace and Executing Those Who Cooperate With Israel

Israel believed that Abu Mazen's election marked a new attitude in the Palestinian Authority towards human rights, but it appears that with regard to those who cooperate with Israel, the attitude is the same...

Does the US Arms Export Control Act Permit Israel to use US-made Law Enforcement...

Sec. 505 Conditions of Eligibility (505)(a) In addition to such other provisions as the President may require, no defense articles or related training or other defense service shall be furnished to any country on a...