Professor Elmasry’s Broken Pledge to Allah

When Professor Elmasry a panelist on Canadian talk show "Michael Coren Live" answered Coren's question "Anyone and everyone in Israel - irrespective of gender-over the age of 18 is a valid target?" with, "Yes,...

Why can’t Israel hold one referendum on an issue affecting its Security?

American voters in 34 states will be voting this week on no less than 163 referendums and ballot initiatives, on issues from tobacco taxation to bear baiting. Why can t Israeli voters have one...

No “Disengagement”. Instead, A Program of PLO Empowerment

If you are like most members of the Knesset and the media, you probably never read it. That Sharon Plan received its first vote of confidence in Israel's Knesset on October 26th, 2004. Yet what is...

Disengagement: A Great Leap Sideways

Last week witnessed an unanticipated level and intensity of violence. It was reported that in ten days, 11 Israelis died at hands of Palestinian terrorists - 7 servicemen, 4 civilians. Nine of 11 were...

Israel plans fast-track anti-missile project

Israel has been examining the feasibility of a fast-track project to develop a system that could protect communities from short-range missile and rocket attacks. Officials said the Defense Ministry has sought options for the fast-track...

A Review of the New Palestinian Authority School Books

Well, Palestinian Arab children are in the midst of their sixth week of the school year. These school children are learning from new Palestinian Authority school books, made possible through grants made possible by...

Does the Current Yesha Council strategy Serve the Interests of Prime Minister Ariel Sharon?

There is only one thing that Arik Sharon is afraid of: direct pressure on the Knesset, which on October 25th will approve or disapprove a symbolic vote of confidence for the Sharon Plan, which...

Separation without Withdrawal of Settlements

PM Sharon has set up a demographic strawman regarding Gaza. The fact is that the 8,000 Jewish settlers do not "live amid 1.2 million Arabs". There are only 150,000 Arabs in the Rafiah area,...

Rav David Yosef Reveals His Father’s Concern About the Oslo Accords: His Fear of...

On October 14th, 2004, Rabbi David Yosef was interviewed on the program INYAN ACHER of Kol Yisrael at 8:30 a.m. and was asked what the prime concerns are of his father, Rabbi Ovadia Yosef,...

Nearly a Million Living in Poor Jewish Households in the US

Close to 1 million people in American Jewish families live in low-income households, according to a new study that appears to be the most extensive national communal study ever done about economic vulnerability among...