Here’s What Middle Eastern Moderates Actually Think and Say Over and over again I hear them: Egyptians who have lost hope that their country can be saved from Islamist dictatorship (this is what the people want, one says); the Lebanese who can no...

Feeding the hand that bites you: Reconsidering aid to a Gaza regime at war... During the second week of March, 2012, while the Gaza regime launched more than 300 aerial attacks against southern Israel, driving one million people to cower in shelters, Israel announced to the world that...

Palestinians Short of Ideas, Not Guns Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas is complaining that Israel is making it difficult for his security forces to obtain weapons. As the New York Times reports, Abbas claimed yesterday in a meeting with members...

Stop Funding Tel Aviv University One of Israel's leading universities seems to have lost its way. In a move that is as incomprehensible as it is shameful, Tel Aviv University (TAU) agreed to allow a student group to hold a...

Egypt: If There’s No Danger of Radicalism and Islamism Why Can’t You Provide Evidence? Consider one fact that demolishes the apparatus of nonsense about moderate Islamists and the credibility of those claiming there is nothing to worry about. These are the same people who have been declaring for...

Counting Palestine Refugees # The fetid, dark heart of the Arab war on Israel, I have long argued, lies not in disputes over Jerusalem, checkpoints, or “settlements.” Rather, it concerns the so-called Palestine refugees. So called because of...

Israel Continues to Thwart Terror Attacks from PA-Controlled West Bank On May 10, the official Israel Defense Forces blog posted an article titled “The 2012 Terror Attacks Against Israel You Never Heard About.” The title is somewhat misleading, since in fact, none of these...

CIA Warns Of Israeli Intel On Iran

The U.S. intelligence community has been warning against relying on information on Iran provided by Israel. A former senior CIA official has warned that Israel could be skewing intelligence as part of its campaign for...

Canada must fight Iranian incitement to genocide When Prime Minister Harper meets with German Chancellor Angela Merkel in Ottawa this week, the Iranian nuclear threat - which is dominating international discussion along with the crisis in Syria - will no doubt...

Lessons for Israel from captured Iraqi nuclear documents While Israel is naturally focused on the implications of Iran completing its drive toward nuclear weapons, there is another case of one of its bitterest enemies, who tried to accomplish the same goal once...