Senior Israeli Government Official

A senior Israeli government official met with the foreign media based in Jerusalem on Sunday evening to screen a computer graph which envisioned an evacuation timetable from the 21 Katif Jewish communities contiguous to...

Excerpts: UNRWA’s refugee trove 9 June 2004

Excerpts: UNRWA's refugee trove 9 June 2004 JORDAN TIMES 9 June '04; "Refugees at crossroads between violence and opportunity - UN" Quotes From Text: "Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries Fund announced a $2.5 million contribution" The United States...

Israel Upset By Reports of Bashing at Palestinian Refugee Conference

Israel expressed its disappointment on Monday over its exclusion from an international conference on Palestinian refugees and over reports that the conference was used as a platform for Israel-bashing. The two-day conference, held in Geneva,...

Settlers Accuse Media of Waging ‘Psychological War’ to Weaken Resolve

Israelis living in the southern Gaza Strip settlement of Gush Katif say Israel's "left-wing" media is waging a psychological war against them to weaken their resolve so they'll give up their homes. Israeli Prime Minister...

When Noam came marching home: A Perspective on the Northern Border

My grandfather, Harry Bedein, arrived on the shores of Boston on June 14th, 1905 after escaping the clutches of the Russian army to embark on a new life. 99 years later, my oldest son, Noam...

How Can the UN Address the Subject of Palestinian Refugees and Not Allow Israel...

This week, with funding from the Swiss government, UNRWA, the UN agency that is charged with handling refugee camps from the 1948 war, launched an international conference on what should have been a clear,...

Israel Can’t Do Business With Terrorists: Violence Against Civilians Must be Forcibly Stopped, not...

US State Department envoy William Burns's return to the Middle East promoting the American-backed regional peace summit tragically coincides with the resumption of the daily Palestinian suicide bombings. As Israeli civilians are being murdered...

The Real Hot Issue of the Sharon Plan – Not the Settlements Near Gaza

The hot issue of dismantling Israeli settlements contiguous to Gaza provided a distraction for the even hotter issues that are inherent in the Sharon Plan that was voted on in the Israeli cabinet oN...

A Black Cloud Over Humanity, Israel and the Jewish People

Every April, the walls of the Armenian Quarter, which lead to the Jewish Quarter in the Old City in Jerusalem, are plastered with posters, reminding the people of Israel of the Armenian genocide. Throughout...

Knesset Committee Conducts Investigation of Alleged Espionage Activities of “Peace”

This week, the Israeli "Peace Now" organization revealed that it has been conducting aerial surveillance of Israeli Jewish communities in Judea, Jerusalem and Samaria, to determine the extent of settlement expansion. At the same...