July 7th, 2005: A day in which London suffered the indignity of terror

In recent weeks, American, British and Israeli intelligence sources have revealed that al-Qaida units now operate in the southern section of Gaza, and are positioned to take over the area that Israel Defense Forces...

Morton Klein Responds to Nahum Barnea’s Attack on the ZOA

In his column, Nachum Barnea said that Zionist Organization of America's (ZOA) poll showing that 63% of Americans oppose the Katif withdrawal was "misleading." But he does not explain the basis for his criticism. In...

Do US Pressures Determine Israeli Policy?

The United States Department of State has made it clear to Prime Minister Ariel Sharon. It wants the Jews out of the Katif district of Gaza by August 15th, with no excuses. The Chief Rabbi...

U.S. Fears That Israel Will Suspend Withdrawal Under Fire

WASHINGTON -- The Bush administration remains concerned that Israel would be forced to suspend its withdrawal from the Gaza Strip and northern West Bank amid heavy Palestinian fire and chaos within Israel's military. Officials...

Evicting a Concentration Camp survivor from Atzmona in Katif

He is known as the 'Grandfather' of Atzmona. Mr. Zadok is 82 years old, a concentration camp survivor who fought the Nazis in the forest for 4years in World War II, is the 'oldest' Jewish...

A Kassam missile Passover in the Negev

Worldwide media only fleetingly reports about the current Arab uprising in Gaza that has unleashed a hail of Kassam rockets against Israel. These projectiles currently have a range of up to 10 kilometers, putting at...

Do Israelis Purposefully Mislead Bush About Abbas’s “Referendum”

Two weeks ago, I was present when a major official of the Israeli Foreign Ministry briefed his guests with what he described as the "optomistic" report that Abbas was proposing a new peace initiative,...

Analysis: Now is the time for a better use of air power

A hard and fast rule of war is that the use of ground forces in urban combat is directly related to loss of life. In Gaza, the IDF has somehow learned to go in...

The Harmless Children of Hezbollah?: A German Perspective

Germans are squabbling about whether Israel's military strikes against Lebanon are justified. But how else can Israel defend itself against Hezbollah rockets? By staging sit-down protests along the Israeli-Lebanese border, perhaps? Should Israel stop defending...

‘No Cease-Fire’ Until Hezbollah Disarmed

Israel will not agree to a cease-fire in Lebanon until Hezbollah is completely disarmed and no longer can operate as a militia force, top Israeli officials said today. Their statements upped the ante in the...