MK Abdul Malik Dehamshe: An Agent of Arab Terror?

MK Visits Enemies of the State Ma'ariv (p. 6) by Ami Ben-David -- Does MK Abdul Malik Dehamshe take advantage of his parliamentary immunity to pass secret messages between the terrorists imprisoned in Israel? Security...

Geneva Discord

The Geneva Initiative has been offered, with much fanfare, as the final peace solution in the Middle East. However, its significant defects would place Israel in a perpetual state of defense, while doing nothing...

Covering Left Wing Conferences in the US – in Boston and in Columbus

We dispatched a journalist to report on a conference that took place More gathered on the weekend of October 31-November 2nd in Boston, where more than 700 particpants discusse thee Geneva accords that have...

NGOs – The New Israel Fund and the Propaganda War Against Israel

The primary threats to Israel's survival do not come from Iran's weapons of mass destruction, or from Palestinian terrorists. Rather, the deeper danger comes from the continuing propaganda campaign that rejects Israel's legitimacy and...

UNRWA Commissioner General Peter Hansen: A Profile of Unprofessionalism

In a recent interview with The Jordan Times, UNRWA Commissioner-General Peter Hansen said, "I challenge to produce anything I've said that's been one-sided or unbalanced." As the only nongovernmental organization exclusively mandated to...

The Ford Foundation – New Israel Fund Axis

NGO Monitor Analysis (Vol. 2 No. 3) 23 October 2003 Ford Foundation - New Israel Fund Alliance The Ford Foundation, one of the largest philanthropic bodies in the world, has announced a $20 million peace...

The Message Conveyed by Dennis Ross’s “Guests” in Washington

With thanks to Dr Aaron Lerner of IMRA for pointing this out to us - DB The Jerusalem Times (independent Palestinian weekly) 30 October 2003 Three Senior Fateh Officials ended up a one week visit to...

Sixteen Reservations Concerning the Geneva “Understandings”

The following is based on the text of Yossi Beilin's Geneva Accord as obtained by Haaretz. A key feature of Beilin's "Geneva Accord" is its anarchic rush to drop supervision (supervision to prevent the smuggling...

An Israeli Call for Arab Rebellion

This e-mail was dispatched by Dr. Uri Davis on April 13, 2002, during Israel's incursion into Jenin. It is included here because it represents a most virulent example of a native born Israeli citizen...

Why does the Israeli consulate in San Francisco promote Yossi Beilin?

Dr. Yossi Beilin currently holds no public office in Israel. He holds no seat in the Israeli Knesset. Indeed, Beilin handily lost his bid for re-election in the Labor Party primaries last year, and...