Inside Israel’s plan to force Biden to drop settlement sanctions

The Israeli government is preparing to take steps to dramatically curb financial interactions between Israeli and Palestinian Authority banks, a move eyed as a response against the Biden administration’s decision to sanction two Israeli...

KAN News: A troubling trend: Russia is cementing its military presence near Israel

Media in Syria have published documentation of Russian military patrols and a new military position, joining other positions near the border with Israel. A Syrian opposition source to KAN news said: "If Israel thinks that these positions will...

Missiles embedded

Following attacks on Israel’s northern border more than 45 years ago, when Ariel Sharon was Israel’s leader, the Israel Defense Forces invaded Southern Lebanon in 1982. The result of Israel’s 1982 incursion into Lebanon was...

PMW – This Week in the Palestinian Media 3 August 2000

While the Camp David talks were still in progress it was evident from the PA media that the talks were headed for failure. Had Arafat intended to move toward Barak and from his traditional...

Official PA Radio News – the PBC Radio, November 7

Summary and Analysis The Voice of Palestine continues to emphasize Palestinian deaths and casualties, focusing on graphic accounts of injuries (e.g. "Israeli bullets struck his heart" or "occupation bullets pierced his eye"-from November 6, 9...

Official PA Radio News: The PBC Radio, November 10

Summary and analysis The Voice of Palestine has given relatively little coverage to the Clinton-Arafat meeting Thursday afternoon beyond a recitation of Palestinian positions. There were no descriptions of the tone of conversations or of...

Official PA radio news – The P.B.C. VOP (Voice of Palestine) Radio: January 13th

Summary and Analysis Throughout Saturday, the Voice of Palestine gave great prominence to the executions of two men convicted of "cooperation" with Israel, as well as the approval of two more death sentences. Note: this...

Official PA radio news – The P.B.C. VOP (Voice of Palestine) Radio: January 18th

Summary and Analysis VOP led its headlines with the daylight murder yesterday of Hisham Maki in Gaza, but Maki was not characterized today as a "martyr"-which would have been obligatory had he been killed by...

Official PA radio news – ELECTION NIGHT COVERAGE the P.B.C. V.O.P. (Voice of Palestine)...

Special Bulletin, 9 p.m., Israel Election Night Summary and Analysis Already at 9 p.m. V.O.P. quoted Danish reports that Ariel Sharon had won the Israeli elections, but it noted that a final result would come with...

Assessment; The Attitiude of the Palestinian Authority Towards the Israeli elections

Over the past few days, V.O.P. has been adopting a two-tier information policy regarding the election of Ariel Sharon both before and after the election. Before the Election On the one hand, the PA took no...