Official PA TV: Pressures Exerted on Palestinian Children to seek Shahada – Death for...

TV: Child Writes to Mother, "Rejoice over My Death" "Ask for Death - the life will be given to you." This slogan, which was broadcast on Palestinian television on July 5th of last year, was...

Assessing PM Ariel Sharon’s Crisis

Perhaps it really is hunting season, as Sharon described what he thinks is being done to him, but now is also the season of inflamed passions and dizziness over the innumerable spins, over the...

Covering a Conference to Mobilize Support for the PLO in Jerusalem

The Invitation: "SHAML Palestinian Refugee & Diaspora Center & The Alternative Information Center Humanitarian and Political Aspects of the Palestinian Condition Wednesday afternoon, 8 January 2003 Ambassador Hotel, East Jerusalem Palestinian Refugee and Diaspora Center (Shaml) and the...

Does Arafat have an American Insurance Policy??

It is safe to assume that Yasser Arafat did not wait last night anxiously for the decision of the Israeli political echelon, which convened in the Prime Minister's Bureau in Tel Aviv last night...

Danger of Foreign Troop Intervention in Jerusalem

The latest panacea for Middle East peace, now gaining momentum, is the dispatching of foreign troops whose dual task would be to create a Palestinian Arab state and mitigate Arab terror. Foreign troops would...

Shefa Fund Fights Charge of Aiding IDF Deserters: Bedein Responds

At a time of economic difficulties in Israel, it has now become a profitable enterprise to desert the IDF and to "refuse to serve". Now that is what we call a financial incentive for IDF...

Does the Palestinian Authority official media prepare their people for war against the US?

It would indeed seem that the official Palestinian Authority media has been increasing their enmity toward the United States. The sentiment could be seen particularly during the sermons broadcast on PA radio and television. On...

Lieberman Optimistic about Hamas-PA talks

Significant leaders inside the Palestinian Authority are very hopeful that this week's talks with Hamas in Cairo could lead to a joint declaration of a cease-fire, US Sen. Joseph Lieberman said Monday. He made these...

Sen. Lieberman: Solution here would serve as global model

At a meeting with journalists in Jerusalem yesterday, Democratic Senator Joseph Lieberman recalled a trip he once took to Asia with his good friend, Republican Senator John McCain. On that trip, he received the...

Covering Connecticut Senator Joseph Lieberman’s Press Conference in Tel Aviv

(Tel Aviv) December 29, 2002 Senator Joseph Lieberman made his final appearance in the middle east in a small press briefing that occurred near the US embassy in Tel Aviv on Sunday evening, December 29,...